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The podcast crew delve into their early impressions of Ni-Oh, the next game from Team Ninja. It draws heavy inspiration from Dark Souls but adds ALMOST too many layers of depth and nuance to the existing formula. Brad rant of the week goes to Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo's newest foray into Mobile gaming and the destruction of Brad's soul. We also squeeze a little Battleborn and Resident Evil 7 DLC into the mix.
Podcast 491 - [download]
This Week's Discussion Topics:
Resident Evil 7: Banned Footage Vol. 1 (DLC)
Fire Emblem Heroes
Psychonauts 2 Gets a Publisher
and more...
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7 years, 11 months ago
(Lemurdragon in chat, Liamduplease on Twitter)
Hey guys, I have a quick question. Say I wanted to send you guys some merch or something. I don't know y'alls favorite merch (T shirts, posters, etc.) and I don't know your sizes specifically. If it isn't too rude or private, could y'all tell us what types of swag (and sizes) you would prefer to receive from fans?
(The reason I'm saying this is because I want to send everyone at 4PN a little something because I recently got accepted to medical school and wanted to share some love for y'all. Y'alls conversations, stories, and impressions have helped me through a lot of tough times and work, and you guys really made the difference on some late nights. I've been a listener since 2008, a 4 year subscriber and most recently a patron. Thanks for all your work guys.)
7 years, 11 months ago
Also agree that Brad's assessment of Fire Emblem Heroes having no challenge. My issue with the challenge is the gacha model. When I first booted up the game, I used the login orbs to summon a character and to my luck got a high level Marth right off the bat.
That one character has allowed me to steam roll through nearly all the campaign without even thinking tactically or paying the game any attention. Just click - drag - wait - win.
7 years, 11 months ago
I am excited at the prospect if a Castlevania tv show, reguardless of it being Netflix, I wish tv was an avenue more licenses took instead of movies. In a tv show, you can world build and develop characters where video game movies are ore often just a cinematic re-hashing of that game's story and don't bring anything new or interesting to the table.
7 years, 11 months ago
Waifu is the future Brad, every game you ever loved will turn into o-o a waifu. Also a quick correction o-o / nioh takes place in the 1600s not the 1800s as Nolan said.