
With only a few videos left, the day has finally arrived for my video! 2016 was a great year and despite my disappointment in having to bump Final Fantasy XV off my list, there are still a bunch of great experiences I am excited to talk about! I hope you enjoy! Anyways, check out my video above and let me know what you think in the comments! Inspired to play any of the games on the list? Let us know!

We will be releasing a list from each member of the staff every day this week! Check back tomorrow for our last staff video! Chris Davis will finally tell us where The Division landed on his list! After that, check back for our Community Top 10 video and the Top 10 Highlights of the year!


  • king_kerry Avatar
    8 years ago

    The placement of Witness on your Top 10 and other 4PN members may be driving factor for me to delve into it. Always wanted to play it throughout 2016 but the price point at the time and my lack of faith with puzzles turned me away. Hopefully now I can find a good deal on it.