
og:image:, Feedback from Our Last Episode
, Nier Automata (Demo)
, Gravity Rush 2 (Demo)
, Valkyria Revolution (Demo)
, Watch Dogs 2
, Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun,

It's our final show of 2016 and we have a bunch of demos for some exciting new games coming in early 2017! The demo for Nier Automata definitely left us wanting more and Gravity Rush 2 has our attention despite being mildly divisive. Unfortunately, the Valyria Revolution demo left us all sad about the current state of one of our favorite tactical RPG's ever. So long 2016, it's been fun! Tune in next week for our 2017 Preview Show!

Podcast 485 - [download]

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Feedback from Our Last Episode
Nier Automata (Demo)
Gravity Rush 2 (Demo)
Valkyria Revolution (Demo)
Watch Dogs 2
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
and more...

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Submit Your Top 10 Games of 2016
Vote for Your Favorite 4Player Moments of 2016

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Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed in the comments below! We'll address your comments and questions during the first 10 minutes of next week's podcast! Involvement with the show via the comments automatically enters you in the monthly giveaway as well!


  • Avatar
    8 years ago

    Rank your Star Wars movies from favorite to least favorite. Mine is 7,5,4,6,2,3,1 (haven't seen rogue one yet).

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    8 years ago

    NieR and Valkyria Revolution are quite similar when you think about. They are both Spin-offs with different gameplay to the original series.

    The original Drakengard games are more Dynasty Warriors-esque. I think the NieR Automata gameplay is a nice mixture of the Drakengard and NieR. The combat of Drakengard with some of NieR sprinkled in like bullet hell sections etc.

    As for Valkyria Revolution, you are all complaining that this isn't Valkyria Chronicles, but it is not supposed to be. Its a spin-off. Chronicles isn't even in the title. It's like complaining about Metal Gear Rising having no Snake and no stealth mechanics. I loved Valkyria Chronicles and would also love to play a new one, I just think it is unfair to compare the spin off to Chronicles as it is clearly a completely different game.

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    8 years ago

    The fact that the Valkyria series has struggled the way it has is kind of baffling. Why they decided to relegate themselves to handhelds is a mystery to me. I bet Sony pushed them to try and sell PSP units. But even then... We finally get one years later and it's a turd. The art direction from the first game was so pure, and over the years it's slowly become more and more unattractive.

  • king_kerry Avatar
    8 years ago

    Going off of Nolan's Xmas,
    Girlfriend also got me the Mr. Meeseeks Box Dice Game for Christmas. After 30 minutes I had to: give 9 different nicknames for the butt in 30 seconds, spit in my hair, come up with a new movie plot for "Two Brothers," and try to help take two strokes off her golf game in 30 seconds.

    Definitely a fun party game for those familiar with Rick and Morty. Highly recommend it as a 4PN board game night.

  • SelfTorment Avatar
    8 years ago

    Happy new year you filthy animals \ o-o /
    I would like to say you all did a great job in 2016.
    I would like to add that i hope this year of 2017 will be a more tank friendly year. o-o7

  • GonzoLewd Avatar
    8 years ago

    Surprised you guys haven't mentioned how thiccccc the female lead's ass is in Nier Automata. Wouldn't mind having that on my face. :3