
og:image:, Feedback from our Last Podcast (2nd Segment this week)
, Catching Up with Nolan
, Aragami
, Serial Cleaner
, Outlast 2 Demo
, Forza Horizon 3
, Beyond Good and Evil 2 News,

**Apologies for the late posting this week! Responsibilities over the weekend prevented me from editing the show until Monday evening! We'll be back on schedule next week!**

NOLAN IS BACK! He returns to the show as a married man with many tales of his time in Greece! On the video game spectrum, we talk about Aragami, an interesting little hybrid between Dishonored and Tenchu! Brad gives impressions of Forza Horizon 3 from an Arcade racer fan's perspective and Nick gives some initial thoughts on his (brief) time with the Outlast 2 demo!

Podcast 474 - [download]

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Feedback from our Last Podcast (2nd Segment this week)
Catching Up with Nolan
Serial Cleaner
Outlast 2 Demo
Forza Horizon 3
Beyond Good and Evil 2 News
and more...

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    8 years, 3 months ago

    I know I'm supposed to talk about the previous podcast but I'm breaking the rules. If none of you have played The Bunker then I strongly recommend you to play it. I watched Lirik play it (name drop) and it was very very entertaining and interesting live action game.

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    1mrboy (Alex)
    8 years, 3 months ago

    Brad, I feel your pain with the anti-climatic Beyond Good and Evil 2 announcement. Although I don't have an attachment to that game specifically, the internet age has really been a downer for big announcements both in games and film. I miss the days when you went to the theater and saw a preview for a big sequel that you didn't even know existed.

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    8 years, 3 months ago

    I've said plenty about Forza Horizon 3 on the feed, so I'll (try) be quick about my comment; pretty much everything Brad mentioned about the game's flaws I found to be very true, sadly. As good as the game is, there is a notable lack of progression and a hard-to-love meta game. It would seem that there is little motivation for the average racing game fan, let alone any video gamer, to want to keep playing.

    However, one main factor is that Horizon 3 is more of a "driving" game, rather than strictly a "racing" game. Most driving games are really for the folks who actually just enjoy driving, even if it is rather aimless. Call us weirdos, but sometimes we like just rambling around in a shitty Buick.

    Shame really, though, that Horizon 3 doesn't have both a good gameplay direction, together with it's uniquely entertaining driving mechanics. I assume that the only reason the game gets so high reviews is because folks out there don't realize how much better a racing game CAN be. Since we already know what is possible to cram into in a racing game (like examples Burnout and Motorstorm), it's a shame that reviewers seem to be so satisfied with what we have now.

    I'm honestly surprised that Brad played it for as long as he did. So, thanks, Brad, for being 4pp's seemingly only beacon of racing game hope.