
og:image:, Feedback from our last episode
, Haydee
, Virginia
, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
, Diablo 3,

A new tomb-raider style platformer has entered the market... Haydee made some waves this week thanks to it's... unique character design but Brad wasn't about to let that stop him from giving it a fair shake! We also discuss Virginia, the latest game to delve into the "Interactive Movie" genre and Kris and Brad discuss their differing views on the Diablo franchise.

Podcast 473 - [download]

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Feedback from our last episode
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Diablo 3
and more...

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    8 years, 3 months ago

    For me, I bounced pretty hard off of Mirror's Edge Catalyst mainly because of the futuristic city. What captivated me in the first Mirror's Edge was that the city was a take on "our" modern city, a city with the type of buildings we are familiar with. So, when I see a mall under construction or an office complex in the first Mirror's Edge, I get the chills because it's like I'm there and I am exploring it, but with a lonely, sterile atmosphere. In Catalyst, I couldn't connect with the environment in the same way, since it was a futuristic city with extremely abstract buildings and structures.
    My point is that I would compare this to the way some people might feel about the new Deus Ex because there was, albeit a weak one, a story I could kind of connect with and care about in the first Mirror's Edge, because the city's overall vibe was familiar. Thus, it contributed to my desire to continue playing it. However, in Catalyst, what I played of the story felt very similar to the old one. While that may not necessarily be a bad thing, I find the story and the game itself harder to care about because the city makes absolutely no sense to me, on a subconscious level. Recent Call of Dutys have this problem too, where I just don't give a fuck anymore about the campaigns and shit because it's all set in the future, where the stakes are different.
    However, similar to what y'all said about Human Revolution, if the first Mirror's Edge had never existed, then maybe I'd want to play ME:Catalyst a bit more. :/

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    8 years, 3 months ago

    To me it seems like the main character in haydee is one of the big reasons people are talking about this game. If she was just a normal looking person I think this game wouldnt be on anybody's radar, but instead i saw someone on the fp of twitch playung it.
    Btw nick its e cheese kid and ive never changed this dumb handle and i never will

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    8 years, 3 months ago

    Being Haitian and not having properly read the title of last week's podcast, I have to admit that I was deeply confused for the first half of the show. XD
    "Did they make a video-game about the tiny Island nation of Haiti? " I thought, with surprise.
    Only later would I realize that the game was instead about a " fleshy robot who is nice and thicc".

    Moving on, my question for this week is: do you guys have what you would consider an "Evergame"? That game you can go back to time and again to pass the time while doing something else and that doesn't require any massive investment in time or focus?

    For me, at least lately, that game has been Elite: Dangerous. It's a space-Sim I got into after hearing the negative buzz around NMS. I find it relaxing to listen to a podcast while cruising the galaxy in that game.

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    1mrboy (Alex)
    8 years, 3 months ago

    Why would you not pick minecraft as your desert island game?
    The content is endless and when explorers find your body, what you build will be a priceless piece of art.

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    8 years, 3 months ago

    I've played Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for almost 40 hours now (Thanks again for the copy :D) but I kind of have mixed feelings about it? I love sneaking around and being able to take out a room full of people without setting off any alarms. The gameplay is really fun and solid.

    I just wish they had narrowed the scope of the game; I spent more than 8 hours exploring the city before even getting into the first story mission. The story seems like the weakest part of the game for me as I completed objectives without understanding my motivations for doing so. Main story missions felt very straightforward while the side quests felt like padding.

    That being said, I still really enjoy playing the game and I still want to play through it again to try out different augments. At its worst, it's still more Human Revolution.

    I'm excited for Dishonored 2 and I think it'll be a lot of fun, but I'm afraid that it'll be in the same basket as Mankind Divided; a solid sequel that incrementally builds on a solid game.