
og:image:, Feedback from Last Episode
, Recore
, Final Fantasy 6
, Dead by Daylight
, Nier Automata (TGS Gameplay)
, Metal Gear Survive (TGS Gameplay)
, ,

With Nolan still galavanting around Greece as a newlywed, Jack rounds out the couch on this week's episode! With him, he brings impressions of his first time playing Final Fantasy 6! We delve deeper into Recore and Chris shares his thoughts on 'Dead by Daylight.' Despite initial scheduling conflicts, Krispy manages to crash the party in the 2nd segment making this a 5Player Podcast...

Podcast 472 - [download]

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Feedback from Last Episode
Final Fantasy 6
Dead by Daylight
Nier Automata (TGS Gameplay)
Metal Gear Survive (TGS Gameplay)

and more...

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Twitch Con 2016 Schedule - Brad (and Nick) will be in San Diego on October 1st to be a part of the 'Twitch OG' Panel at Twitch Con.
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    8 years, 3 months ago

    I thought they did briefly show a village and some background NPCs in NieR: Automata at E3, although they didn't really delve into that too much. They do mention that there would be items that you could buy and sell.


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    8 years, 3 months ago

    Quantum break is releasing on steam after claims it never would. I feel like Recore needs this soon as well. I've made enough money through counterstrike trading that I don't need to pay for steam games anymore. Many people have lots of money on steam via steam trading. As much as I want to play Recore I just cant justify spending real cash through the horrible Microsoft store when I have a fully loaded wallet on steam.

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    8 years, 3 months ago

    I just wanted to comment that the community jingle's voice clips actually were making it kind of hard to hear the actual cast members talk... Kind of a brain overload if you didn't listen carefully enough. Is there a version of the jingle that you guys could use instead which doesn't feature the voice clips? Or does the jingle actually only play on the youtube and iTunes versions of the podcast? Have not yet watched a live podcast since the jingle's introduction, so I don't know.

  • Ed Avatar
    8 years, 3 months ago

    Worst/Most Disappointing Soundtracks for me are both sequels:

    Final Fantasy 13-2's soundtrack didn't hold a torch to 13's and just felt off.

    Xenoblade Chronicles X sound track was super weird, and while more appropriate, wasn't nearly as memorable as the original Xenoblade's. That overworld theme <3

    Also, Nick, there's a patch to the GBA rom of Final Fantasy VI that fixes the music. Not that I condone pirating or anything...