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The 2016 onslaught of games continues as we delve into the new love letter to Chrono Trigger, I Am Setsuna and the strange little Metroidvania project from Insomniac, Song of the Deep. Despite being a little deflated by his experience with Metroid Prime, Krispy continues his quest to tackle all the beloved Metroidvania games with Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. Nick revisits Mirror's Edge Catalyst to set the record straight now that he has almost completed the game.
Podcast 465 - [download]
This Week's Discussion Topics:
I Am Setsuna
Song of the Deep
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Hitman (Episode 3)
New Nioh Beta Coming in August
Telltale's New Batman Series
and more...
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8 years, 5 months ago
Nick, you will probably hate this, but I remember a few weeks ago you said something about changing up your twitter name, I have one for you based off of that Patreon question:
8 years, 5 months ago
One of the most left turns in a story that I remember in recent memory was Outlast. The last 15 minutes of that game makes such an interesting and tense story and makes it almost "Cabin in the Woods" esque, and it destroys the games tension and build up.
8 years, 5 months ago
This episode Nick mentioned the problems with Mirror's Edge shooting mechanics. Perhaps this is a matter of game development ignorance, but I like to believe that the poor shooting controls were an intentional design choice.
Faith isn't a trained marksman, and the only mandatory exposure of her using a weapon is in the training field in which she fires a handgun. I choose to believe that her poor shooting ability comes from the designers intending the players to avoid using guns and instead attempt to bypass enemies with the freerunning mechanics, as I would image the story's depiction of Faith would do.
8 years, 5 months ago
Maybe I am late to the party but why is there this push for Krispy to complete every metroidvania ever developed?
8 years, 5 months ago
Dear Krispy:
Do yourself a favour, play through the uncharted series.
I know where you are coming from, i've always wanted to play them but never got around to it (dabbed for a bit with uncharted 1 but it didn't really appeal to me). Thankfully a friend of mine borrowed me his copy of the Nathan Drake collection and i blasted through the 3 first games like a madman and absolutely loved every single moment of it.
At first uncharted 1 felt like it had a lot of problems, but once the story picks up i found myself getting invested in the characters and wanting to keep playing just to see a little bit more of what's next.
4 games later i can finally say that i love this series, and uncharted 4, while not my favourite out of all 4, is still a brilliant game, and probably one of the best games to come out this year. So please please please, stop hurting yourself with metroid prime for a while and consider getting around to finally playing this series, i'm sure chat would love to see you playing them. Also, i'll join the big group of people who already asked for this, but i would love to hear an uncharted 4 spoilercast.
8 years, 5 months ago
Can I post this?
8 years, 5 months ago
I love RPGs, but am currently drowning in them due to the amount of hours they each need.
I Am Setsuna is only 20 hours?? That sounds good to me. I can breeze through that over the weekend!
8 years, 5 months ago
Hey guys, *Great* podcast as usual.
I watched Stranger Things after Nolan mentionned it and holy shit, is that show good.
It manages to perfectly capture that 80's look and feel and I found myself really enjoying the setting, even though I don't really have any particular nostalgia for that time period.
Thanks for mentionning it.