
og:image:, Podcast Community Feedback
, System Shock Kickstarter Demo
, Inside
, Dark Souls 3
, Sunset Overdrive
, Top 5 Games of 2016 SO FAR,

The summer might be a bit of a lull but there is still plenty to talk about thanks to the release of Playdead's Inside (Spoiler Free Discussion) AND the launch of Night Dive Studio's Kickstarter for the Remake of the original System Shock! Brad finally gets the Dark Souls 3 discussion he's been after and we list off our individual Top 5 games of the year SO FAR.

Podcast 462 - [download]

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Podcast Community Feedback
System Shock Kickstarter Demo
Dark Souls 3
Sunset Overdrive
Top 5 Games of 2016 SO FAR
and more...

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    You guys are very fortunate to have never heard of CWC

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    Imo...there will be another uncharted game. Old Nathan Drake travels with his wife, daughter, brother and Sully. Sounds amazing.

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    The top 5 of 2016 so far was a nice reminder of some of the titles i should get around to playing.

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    Hope one of you get a chance to go deeper into Darkest Dungeon. I picked it up recently during the gog summer sale and that game has almost completely held my attention since then...really hope the difficulty in 'beating' the game doesn't keep it off any lists since completing the game feels more like a formality then anything else...hell many longtime users never beat the game and just run high level dungeons over and over. it's about the journey not the destination!

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    Hope you all get a chance to go *deeper into the darkest dungeon* before the GOTY show. I picked it up recently during the gog summer sale and have been mostly playing it since then. There's something hilarious about sending a bunch of disposable peons into some terrible rundown eldritch ruins until they die of a heart attack from going insane...that is until you get a well-equipped team and they get bulldozed over. Anyways hope the difficulty in 'beating' the game doesn't preclude it from being on any lists since it's all about the journey over the destination in my opinion.

  • hoss3000 Avatar
    8 years, 6 months ago

    Beyond Two Souls is a beautiful game! You guys should really try it out and see what you think despite the trolls!

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    Talking about the patreon question asking how your parents handled you and games made me really sit there and see how fortunate I am. I grew up in a video game household, my parents had atari and even ran their own BBS back in the day. My parents still play games now which is cool. I may have mentioned this before but my Grandpa also plays games, notoriously Mass Effect. He has played Mass Effect 2 at least.. 30-40 times through, no joke. And Mass Effect 3 at least 15-20. My fondest memories was running through Diablo 2 with him.

    On the topic of Uncharted 4, I'd like to give my thoughts. Ill preface this by saying I only played Uncharted 2 before this, no reason to why I skipped Uncharted 3, just got busy I guess. Anyways, I found the story, particularly the ending of the actual pirate story, to be a huge drag. I won't say how it ends but it just... ends. Maybe I'm the odd man out but I liked the supernatural ending to 2. Another huge issue I have with the game, and I had the same issue in 2, is the sequences where you're just shooting. Now when its like action sequence shooting, thats fine, but I mean the ones after you're running through an area exploring and climbing. For me personally it ruins the momentum. I loved finding random dead pirates around and reading their story notes. Thats cool to me, as well as solving the puzzles, even though they weren't that difficult. Shout outs to the Monkey Island references in the game, though.

    I doubt youll read all this, sorry hahaha.

  • Sonichufan4life Avatar
    8 years, 6 months ago

    Sorry for the confusion. My username and avatar are from the infamous web comic "Sonichu."

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    Oh man. Wasn't that funny when Kris called Brad a "giant ass hole" when Brad wasn't listening for the Inside discussion.

    Jeewiz..... I hope Nick doesn't read this comment out loud on next weeks podcast!

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    Your discussion about System Shock got me thinking about what other "old" games might get a revival in the next few months. Mighty No. 9 tried, but it will be curious to see if anything else pops up. Bloodstain certainly is looking good.

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    8 years, 6 months ago

    Just got to your top 5 games of the year (so far), are you guys thinking about doing a top 5 disappointments (so far) this year?