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Indie Freebie is a series I would love to make a regular feature here at 4Player where every so often I will recommend to the community a free indie game that most of you have probably never heard of but one I’m sure most of you would love if given the chance to experience it. And this week I would like to start with a personal favorite of mine: CHALK.
Chalk is a side scrolling shoot’em up, which for those unfamiliar with the genre would include games such as Hydorah, Radiant Silvergun, and Ikaruga. However unlike those games, and many others within the same genre, this game does not involve any shooting. Instead you control a nameless female spectre as she travels across what one can only assume to be, given the lack of description from the developer, the vastness of space in an unknown galaxy. Your enemies are alien crafts that surround you from all sides, the giant beast you confront at the end of every level and last but not least… dots. Your weapon of choice is not a gun. It’s not a sword, nor a bow and arrow, or magic wand. It is a solitary piece of chalk.
Fly freely around the screen as you weave through and avoid the oncoming barrage. Connect the dots to remove obstacles by drawing a line from one to the other. Draw lines to stop oncoming projectiles and to turn your enemies attack back on them. With a simplistic yet charming art style and simple but challenging gameplay Chalk is a delight to play and easy to jump right into.
You can down load chalk instantly by visiting the developers website at
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8 years, 6 months ago
I like the graphic style. I also didn't realize this was the same person who did Noitu Love. I'm not really big on shmups but I'll probably check this out.