
og:image:, Mirror's Edge Catalyst
, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
, Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator
, Overwatch
, Allison Road Cancelled
, Pre-E3 News Round Up,

We squeeze in one more podcast before we hop a freighter to Los Angeles for the biggest event in gaming! E3 starts next week so of course we talk about all of the announcements and news that inevitably kicks off in the week before the big show. While Mirror's Edge Catalyst is ultimately a disappointment, we are pleasantly surprised by the Remake of Odin Sphere on PS4 and Guilt Gear Xrd: Revelator; two games that serve up glorious visuals and gameplay in equal measure!

Podcast 460 - [download]

This Week's Discussion Topics:

Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator
Allison Road Cancelled
Pre-E3 News Round Up
and more...

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    8 years, 7 months ago

    Hi guys

    I've been a Twitch subscriber for a few years now, but lately i've been wondering if i should unsubscribe. Not because i don't want to support you, but rather because i've heard that Twitch takes a bigger cut than Patron. This made me consider switching to Patron instead. But maybe your number of Twitch subscribers helps you in some other ways that i don't know about?

    So the question in short, would you rather have people support you through Twitch or through Patron?

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    8 years, 7 months ago

    Nick, I swear if you don't get into Guilty Gear and play all of Muramasa Rebirth(including the DLC), we'll both be feeling eternal regret in the end lol Give us an update whenever you try it out.

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    8 years, 7 months ago

    Don't give up hope, there's rumblings of something Kojima related.

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    8 years, 7 months ago

    I am loving mirrors edge catayst so far. I was a big fan or the first game an put so many hours into it. I spent maybe 10 hours just playing the second time trial over and over again fighting the fastest world wide time. So if your really into things like time trials then mirrors edge 2 is your game. Another thing Nick you might want to look into is turning off all the hud. As soon as I started this game I turned off everything. No health/speed bar, no runner vision, no crosshair etc. The only thing on in my options menu is the subtitles. Give it a try :D