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Disney and JJ Abrams have just dropped a new Star Wars film in our laps and have essentially kick started a whole new generation of fandom. To our surprise (despite a few missteps), the film is quite good and we are all riding the Star Wars high until May of 2017 when Episode 8 hits theaters! Nick, Brad, and Nolan sit down to discuss their thoughts on the new film including villains, throwbacks, and of course, the new cast members! Let us know what you thought of the movie. May the force be with you!
Podcast 1 - [download]
Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens
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9 years ago
Great Popcorn Cast! I really enjoyed the movie and I agree with some of the points you guys brought up. I plan on seeing it at least one more time after Christmas. I can't wait for the next episode. Awesome stuff!
9 years ago
It was a great movie experience and I haven't been this excited for the next Star Wars in a long time. Very happy with the proper uses of CGI and the older characters. Glad that they weren't afraid to take new bounds worth the direction that still fit.