
og:image:, Trine 3
Until Dawn
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Fatal Frame Wii U North American Release

Everybody panic! The 2015 gaming season has officially begun! We do our best to suppress our excitement for Metal Gear Solid V to discuss some exciting new releases that might be flying under some people's radars. First up is Trine 3, a sequel that capitalizes on the popular formula but takes some flack for it's length. Nick started up Until Dawn and seems pretty excited about the concept. Nolan also booted up Peace Walker again... Did I mention that Metal Gear Solid V comes out next week?

Podcast 423 - [download]


Trine 3
Until Dawn
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Fatal Frame Wii U North American Release

and more...

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    9 years, 4 months ago

    Peter Stormare isn't Russian, he's Swedish!
    For some reason he always plays characters with strong accents though (often Russian).