
og:image, weekend!, what are you playing!, Batman Arkham Knight

Hey everyone! Now that E3 is behind us and we've pretty much got the new website working the way we want it, we can get back in the habit of these weekend posts! We want to know what everyone is spending their time with this weekend so let us know in the comments below! 

Here is what the 4Player crew is playing this weekend:

"After some frustrating hiccups in my plan to start Amnesia: The Dark Descent this weekend, I was pleasantly surprised at just how FUCKING AMAZING BATMAN ARKHAM KNIGHT IS! Seriously, this game is beyond epic so i'll be plowing through the game as much as possible this weekend. I will squeeze in some time with Silent Hill 2 for my Let's Play but other than that, it's all Batman." -- Nick
"Gonna play some Batman homie. Maybe some more Witcher too. If Meleah is around I'll dive back into Her Story. That damn "game" has been keeping me up at night. Maybe I'll play a few more Hitman Blood Money levels if people want to see that? Also, I'm thinking of doing a Let's Play series that sticks. But I need something sticky. Ideas?" -- Brad
"This weekend is all about work for me. While I'd love to suit up as everyone's favorite parent-avenging billionaire vigilante, I need to make some progress on my Let's Play videos and create a Top 5 or two. I'll also be on the 4Player Animecast on Saturday so what little time I can devote to being the Dark Knight will be quite precious." -- Chris
"Living life in the road with my 3DS. Been meaning to start Codename STEAM, and this seems like the perfect opportunity! Also, i'm missing Batman: Arkham Knight (about 50% through). Can't wait to get back home to that sweet, sweet vigilante justice." -- Krispy
"I am playing too many games right now. 90 something hours into Witcher 3 (20 hours is probably from Gwent), I just started Arkham Knight (another game with too much to do in the world), I started Tale of Two Wastelands the other day (which I probably shouldn't have since that's like 200+ hours of FO3 and FONV), the XCOM 2 hype has got me wanting to continue my XCOM EW Let's Play, and my Uncharted Supporter Let's Play is in needing some love. So this weekend I'll probably just take a nap." -- Nolan
"I have next week off from work so I brought my desktop to my parents' place and I have an Xbox One waiting for me there that I erroneously sent there. So Witcher 3, Master Chief Collection, and playing the newly released WoW patch for me!" -- Ed
"Kung Fury: Street Rage. No regrets." -- Carlos


  • Avatar
    9 years, 6 months ago

    I, uh.... I still have to finish Hyperdevotion Noire... Honestly, I just haven't had the motivation to make any progress in anything. So I started Hearthstone instead. Current objective is unlocking the last trophy I need for Persona 4 Golden (No idea why).

  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    9 years, 6 months ago

    Currently playing through Super Mario Sunshine as I've never played it before and making some progress in Crysis 2.

    Brad: Maybe for a Let's Play, pick your favorite game from a certain genre?

  • Mr.GreenToS Avatar
    9 years, 6 months ago

    Just beaten Arkham Knight, wonderful game, and gonna go back to playing some Payday 2 on PS4. Recently unlocked the OVERKILL skull mask, so been in a great mood. Otherwise, I gotta get back to finishing up Witcher 3 sometime in the future.