
You've been waiting for this one so here it is: Brad's picks for his favorite games of 2014!

Backing music for the Game of the Year 2014 video series commissioned to Brandon Strader.  Check out his channel for some excellent music!

Brandon Strader: http://www.youtube.com/bestrader


  • UglyKatsuki Avatar
    9 years, 11 months ago

    Great list. Can't wait to see what's in store for 2015.

    10) I had a strange feeling that you'd put Dragon Age on your list. But, if you were going to, I knew it had to be at number 10. I'll definitely pick this up when it goes on sale.

    9) I own the first, but have still yet to play it. I think it's still wrapped if I'm not mistaken. I don't believe that I have any experience with a "Tales" game. But once I have some "TIME", I'll definitely try it out.

    8) This is also a series that I haven't given the chance that it deserves. I'm slowly starting to realize that I need to play a lot of games. And I even own both Demon and Dark Souls 1. The PS4 release of Dark Souls 2 coming out later this year does however look like a great excuse to get into it.

    7) Although the setting and/or universe, or style or RPG may not be familiar to me, this does have some game elements that sound very interesting and unique. When it does come out for PS4, I'll check it out.

    6) Shovel Knight. In terms of a "Megaman" inspired remake, I'd prefer if this game borrowed more from the "Megaman X" series, as that was what I grew up with, and not the original series. That being said, this game looks different enough to stand on it's own, while borrowing other game series' mechanics. Another game on your list that I have to get.

    5) Okay now. Here's a game that I actually have on this list, and that I'm still currently going through. I've only played the first 3 levels, but I'm really enjoying it so far. And even though I wanted to have that feeling of "Power" like in Resident Evil 4 and 5, the feeling of helplessness in The Evil Within, is a feeling that you don't get anymore with video games.

    4) Unfortunately, I'm very indifferent to this game. I don't really have anything to say about it. I'll try it at some point, and I might like it, I might not. Not sure.

    3) Now, unfortunately. I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to Puzzle games. Not because I don't like using my brain or anything, but it's not my kind of genre. That being said, I have played games like Portal 1 and 2, and have really enjoyed it. I just have to be in a particular mood and mindset to play these kinds of games.

    2) Again, a series that I have very little exposure to, so I don't really have any thoughts about it.

    1) This game does look like tons of fun, but only one problem. I don't have a good enough PC to run it, even on the lowest settings.

    Again, great list. Saw some games that are very "you", and a couple of surprises as well. If anything, it tells me that I need to really catch up with a lot of games. But who has the time right?

  • sehui04 Avatar
    9 years, 11 months ago

    I beat grimrock 1 and thought it was an enjoyable experience, but grimrock 2 really fatigued me.

    I know they expanded the world, but I was disappointed by the fact that the combat mechanics were the same, and the fact that there was a lot of combat encounters. I enjoy the game for the puzzles, not for their archaic square dance fighting.

    I put about 10 hours into the game before putting it down.

  • Jager Avatar
    9 years, 11 months ago

    Nice list, Brad.

    Good to see some love for Xillia 2!