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SUBSCRIBERS and also future subscribers and also all others who are able to read!!! Who’s ready for some awesome E3 action?!?!?
Subscriber Night was last week and Carlos showed up to join us for the fun! The night began with Nolan playing Shadow Complex (XBLA) as requested by nickobud. After Nolan failed, several times, to complete the shortcut and get the rockets in Shadow Complex the game was switched to Worms 2: Armegeddeon (XBLA) to fill the empty slot because bbcue decided not to send us a list of games to play! It turns out that Worms 2 is a horrible and dumb game that’s not worth Nolan’s time. The next game was 4Player split screen Halo (Xbox) because we couldn’t get a copy of Halo 2 (Xbox) per sgttaco’s request. After that blast of nostalgia we continued with the 4Player split screen for an even more nostalgic Crash Team Racing (PSX) chosen by theottomatic91. We of course had no issues at all setting up the four DS3 controllers on the PS3 to play the game and the game didn’t glitch out at all and SCREW Nolan, and also everyone sucked together. Brad loved the rockets. We finished off the night with Brad playing Drakengard 3 (PS3) because king_ironchin wanted us to see lots of sexual innuendos and small dragons getting scared and peeing in mud. I’m not even joking. The main character yells at her dragon for rolling in the mud and the dragon gets scared and pees itself out of fear; literal golden story telling.
Check out the highlights for that once they go up. Did someone say Highlights? If something funny happens during the stream and you think it deserves a highlight please post the timestamp in the 4PN Highlight Requests forum thread here.
Subscriber Night Winners
Our new Subscriber of the Month for June is bigbosslikescheeseburgers,and the game they chose for us to play this month is <insert game name once bigbosslikescheeseburgers tells me their choice>.
The following 5 subscribers have been selected to choose the games we play on this month's Subscriber Night:
- jordan_d_808
- edeesis
- caesarthebaer
- mrgreentos
- cocopanda
If you have been chosen, please email Nolan ( a list of any three games (in order of which you want to see most) you would like to see us play for 1 hour on this month's Subscriber Night.
Unfortunately not everyone can create highlights, like they could in the good ole days, and only a select few can. Be sure to post highlight requests in the forum thread here.
New Release Tuesday
New Release Tuesday is tonight and we will be playing the horror game Among the Sleep (PC); the horror game where you play as a baby. You can see one of our highlights here.
You can also check out last weeks New Release Tuesday here from when we played Watch_Dogs.
E3 is next week! We will be having a lot of coverage with Brad, Chris, and Nick at the show. One way we want to have more coverage is from your help. You can find out more about how you can help us here.
About Subscribing
If you want to subscribe, check our subscriber page for more details.
If you are already subscribed, you can find all of our exclusive subscriber videos and podcasts archived in our exclusive Subscriber Forum Thread! Your account must be linked to Twitch in order to access the forum. To do this, you will need to sign in to both our site AND Twitch, and then hit the purple button at the top of the page to link the two accounts. That will give you access to this subscriber section on our forums.
10 years, 9 months ago
Yeeesss, I finally get picked for Subscriber Night!
10 years, 9 months ago
FUCK YEAH! I literally spat out my cheesy sandwich when I saw my username, along with the other fine community members, in that subscriber night list! Man, now I can’t even think up even one game as my wish to be played that night…