
The Order: 1886 is one of the exclusive new IPs Sony is touting for the PS4. For many it is seen as a potential flagship for the console with good reason, it features gorgeous visuals and the developers promise full 1080p, albeit at a locked 30 fps. As a solely single player third person shooter, this shouldn’t harm the experience. The Order follows a group of ancient knights who have found a mysterious substance, Black Water, which can extend their lives. Using this, they protect humanity from a growing threat: half-breeds. These hybrid monsters take on the form of a humanoid vampire/werewolf, large hairy, and threatening. The Order is set in a fictional 1886 London featuring anachronistic steampunk weaponry. 

Previous gameplay trailers showed off pretty standard cover based third person shooter mechanics, but the E3 trailer sets off a different mood. It begins with a lone player walking through a dark university or hospital setting and shows off some great lighting from a lantern carried by the player. As opposed to a straight up cover based shooter, this gameplay video almost conveys a survival horror feel. As the player runs into a half breed, the action seamlessly flows from cinematic to gameplay as the monster relentlessly chases his prey. Overall, while a little generic, The Order at least gives the impression that it will be a very competent game with a chance to be an early standout for Sony. 

If The Order can transition that consistently between game/cutscene without too many QTEs, it will be amazing. #4PNE3

— Timothy Lee (@ChaiThai805) June 10, 2014


  • ContraMundum Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    The game looks amazing visually, but I'm worried as to how much scripting and linearity there is. It didn't seem like you had many options to fight the beast and the bullets didn't have much effect on it either. Hopefully they show off more of the gameplay soon to get a better idea of how the game will play.

  • G_Frax Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I would asume what they've shown is what we're gonna get, very scripted yet very pretty. Could be entertaining.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I really want this game. It is a new IP and looks very interesting. But since they delayed it, it comes out 4 days before Witcher 3. Even though they are different types of games, sadly I can't get it day one so close to a big game.

  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    10 years, 8 months ago

    This game looks really good visually and I don't doubt it'll play really nicely but as soon as I saw a QTE I got a little nervous. Also, is it just me or when he stumbled upon the half-breed that whole scene was a throwback to the original Resident Evil when you first encounter a zombie? Looked really badass.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    It might look pretty, but I smell alot of cutscenes and scripted events.