
Swinging into the realm of "totally unexpected but absolutely awesome surprises" comes the finale of Ubisoft's press conference today, Rainbow Six Siege. Debuted with nothing more than straight-up multiplayer gameplay, this thrilling pocket of tension punctuated with small explosions of violence closed out a conference which had already been quite impressive.

There is simply so much here to digest and process: the spectacular visuals, which flaunted excellent animations and amazing lighting; the destructible environment, shredded to bits over the course of the gunfight; the perfect ebb and flow of tactical multiplayer combat, though yes - the cynics in the audience are more than welcome to the point that this was obviously quite scripted (was that voice actor Jason Spisak "playing" our main character?).

The point here, and the real victory, is that the developers had no fear in rolling out gameplay first and bragging second. The more we get of raw gameplay being shown off in place of CG trailers or screenshots with press releases, the better. At the very least, this is a ton more fun to watch.

Siege itself is the rebirth of the long-delayed Rainbow Six: Patriots, as confirmed by Polygon with Alexandre Remy, Rainbow Six's brand director. What this means for Patriot's intriguing and controversial premise is sadly uncertain, as information on Siege remains tightly under wraps. For now, enjoy the gameplay video - I know I'll be watching it again.

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  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    10 years, 7 months ago

    I really enjoyed that demonstration and it seems to be more like the original Rainbow Six games which I am a huge fan of. I always enjoyed mapping out where to go and which team does what. I can't wait to see more of this.

  • ContraMundum Avatar
    10 years, 7 months ago

    The gameplay definitely looked great. I'm hoping that their single player features even more tactical planning options like the Rainbow Six games of the past.

  • Kdbattletoad Avatar
    10 years, 7 months ago

    Looks great but there is no way people will be playing like in the demo! Not enough 12 years old and trolls.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 7 months ago

    All I needed to hear was "Like SWAT 4" and I was hyped. Looks amazing.

  • anon Avatar
    10 years, 7 months ago

    i thought it was another SWAT game at first. looks neat, but i doubt any of the matches will turn out like this unless u have both teams highly dedicated to teamwork. it will work out if its like any of 4pn's last of us community nights with chatters/mods. it wont work with randoms, also its funny how the ppl trying to save the hostage ends up using the same "human shield animation" as the bad guys.