The video you just watched was, quite possibly, the greatest introduction to a press conference ever.

Aside from just being awesome, the above trailer also reveals two new details about Super Smash Bros. WiiU. The first being that Miis are now playable characters. The Mii fighters are broken up into three different categories: Brawler, Sword Fighter, and Gunner. Not only does each Mii type have their own fighting style, but Super Smash Bros. WiiU will also allow for players to pick their Miis four smash attacks from twelve different options. Nintendo also showed off celebrity Mii Fighters such as Ice-T and Elijah Wood. The Mii fighters may look out of place, but having an Abraham Lincoln Mii fight Mario would be absolutely hilarious to watch.

Another addition to Smash Bros is the amiibos. Amiibos are figurines of Nintendo characters that can be scanned with the WiiU gamepad to bring the characters into the game. The purpose of this is to, basically, watch two amiibos fight each other or to troll your friends in Smash Bros. by bringing in a new AI opponent. These amiibos also track data and "evolve" with use. This seemed to imply that amiibos' AI will become smarter over time should players wish to challenge themselves against an AI or prove who amongst their friends has the strongest amiibo. Naturally, this is meant to tap into the Skylanders fanbase, but I have my doubts amiibos will be as successful as Nintendo expects. We definitely won't see these figurines making any kind of appearance during Smash Bros. tournaments.

Closing out the Nintendo conference was one last announcement. It's rather bizarre and confusing to watch at first, but the pay off is well worth it. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS will release October of this year with the WiiU version releasing this Winter.


  • J52 Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I think Sakurai didn't want to put Mii's in Brawl because then you'd have stuff like parents kicking the crap out of their children. I guess he decided "Fuck it"

  • Liam du Preez Avatar
    Liam du Preez
    10 years, 8 months ago

    And that's exactly what we need Nintendo to keep doing J. "Metroid might not sell multi-millions....Fuck it."

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I like that they added in Miis and gave them 3 classes.

    The Goddess of Light reveal just made me wish there was an Super Smash Bros Anime.

  • Kdbattletoad Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I like the customization of the Mii's super attack. Can't wait to see more.

  • overlordbaal Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    The miis actually look fun to play as. I kind of wish they just made a custom character creator in smash bros though.

  • ShadowSyko Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    She's no Jigglypuff, but Palutena is a cool addition to the roster, I know she's been on alot of people's wishlist for Smash Bros. characters so I'm happy for them. The Amiibos could be really cool too, and if Skylanders can be as popular as it is when half the monsters look like Spyro took a dive into a radioactive swamp and then got beat in the face with a plutonium ugly stick, figurines of iconic characters like Mario and Samus should be very successful. Now *ahem* Nintendo.... bro... listen to me...


  • Toast Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    My main pool of fighters in Brawl were Snake, Ike and Zelda in that order. In this game seeing as there's no Snake (....yet?), and with the new fighters coming out one after the other, I'm going to have to experiment with all of them.

    That being said though, my main pool purely from speculation is going to be Megaman, Little Mac and now Palutena. She looks like she has a slightly more interesting moveset than Zelda, and definitely looking forward to playing as her.

    Dat shield and rod combo too good.