
Oh, EA.

Were any of you hoping for new information on Battlefront? Gameplay? A CGI trailer longer than 20 seconds? Well, DICE just isn't ready for any of that it seems. What DICE does have is, more or less, a developer diary. What is shown is that DICE is very committed to creating a genuine Star Wars experience.

These developers not only visited Lucas Archives, but they even traveled to the exact locations where scenes from the films were shot. Just like when the Expanded Universe was wiped away, I suppose I can't stay too upset knowing DICE is so dedicated to Star Wars. At the end of the Battlefront presentation, there was a message that stated, "See More Spring 2015".

I guess we just have continue waiting for more details on DICE's Battlefront.


  • ContraMundum Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Gotta say, some of the visuals they showed of early in-game footage looked really nice. Also wondering if and how they'll handle Jedi/Sith players. They handled kind of clunky in Battlefront 2.

  • Jager Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago


    I'm really looking forward to this, they definitely chose the right studio for a Battlefront game. Can't wait to see more!

  • Moom Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I'm sorry to tell you DICE but to Disney and George Lucas would strongly disagree with you saying "Starwars belongs to everyone"

  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I was pretty bummed to not see much of the game but seeing that DICE is pretty excited and committed to creating a hopefully good Star Wars game makes me happy. I just hope DICE delivers...they are our Last Hope...see what I did there?

  • J52 Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I just hope they fix space combat.

  • Unigma Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Don't forget guys, Michael Pachter broke that Visceral is doing the single player and Amy Hennig is writing it! (lolnope)

  • Kdbattletoad Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Did they really traveled to the old movie set locations to make the game? That's a bit overkill. Although, I'm always hype for a star wars game.

  • fulldarkgear Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Some pretty good teasing, hopefully they'll have seamless ground to space combat like the early concepts and leaks so long ago

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Still waitin on gameplay :l