
Immersion is a powerful thing in video games. I always try to engage with these kinds of elements, but only when they are presented to me in the right way, which is uncommon. The Crew is a game that holds a specific kind of potential. This due to the grand scale that Ubisoft is marketing this game to have. An example of this scale can be seen in The Crew's most recent trailer, where viewers are following a timelapsed car traveling the in-game distance of Miami to Los Angelas, all the while accompanied by a soothing soundtrack.

I think this was a really unexpected way to see The Crew demonstrated, and it's a direction my taste personally agrees with. At last year's E3, The Crew was exhibited much more as an arcade racer, revealing "take down" missions as a major focus of the game.

After the presentation of this year's E3 trailer, The Crew developer, Ivory Tower, claimed that "extended access" had been given to close members of the community. It was then mentioned that progression of the game would be heavily based on the approval of this core group, alluding to the fateful delay of The Crew from earlier this year. In an effort to add confidence to the progression of this project a closed beta was announced for launch on July 23rd which is currently open for sign up right now. 

I am personally not a major fan of the racing genre, but The Crew seems to be a title that is rubbing me the right way, be it from arcade game modes or the countryside views of the US. I plan on staying tuned to more details regarding the online multiplayer, as I am sure cloud support will be playing an important role.

So is The Crew a game that seems appealing to you after seeing this trailer? I am specifically interested to see what avid fans of the racing genre think of the alternative approach that this game is taking on the traditional racing formula.

#4PNE3 Follower Ryan Footman seems to be intrigued by the potential replayability. I am too, Ryan.

I've been interested in #TheCrew since last year, seems like the sort of driving game that would get me playing 1 for hours #UbiE3 #4PNE3

— Ryan Footman (@RdFootman) June 9, 2014

If you want to be cool like Ryan, join our discussion this year at #4PNE3. It's pretty sweet over there. 


  • Ikusa GT Avatar
    Ikusa GT
    10 years, 9 months ago

    To me this is a game that everyone seems to be overlooking at E3 this year. Like Ryan I've been interested in this game ever since last year. Looks like it's going to be an absolute blast. This will be a game I'll pick up along with Horizon 2 when I get a Xbone eventually.