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Wednesday has arrived and we find ourselves one day closer to the biggest gaming event of the year. What are Chris, Brad and Nick's 4th most anticipated game of E3 2014? Read on and find out!
Brad's #4: Bayonetta 2
So I played Bayonetta 2 last E3, and it left me a bit disappointed. The game definitely "felt" right, but it focused too much on set-piece moments and boss fights. The new powered-up Bayonetta super mode also triggered up waaay too often. In short, it was a bit too chaotic for me to appreciate the subtle differences in the two games. It was just a bad section for a demo. So I only played it twice... That's low for me and Platinum Games' demos!
I'm sure the demo will be different this year, and I can't wait to see what's new for Bayonetta. I have to imagine that the game has come a long way, and I'm curious to see if we will get to play with any of the new weapons or mechanics. It would be especially cool if the demo has that new playable character. The game is also supposed to have some sort of co-op mode, so that would also be a nice surprise. Some character action games have tried to have modes like this before, but none of those games can match the fast, precise, and fluid movement of Bayonetta. If they pull a co-op mode off, it will certainly be impressive. I'm putting this game on my Top 5 list because even if the rest of E3 is getting me down, even if everything else I've played sucks... I will always have Bayonetta to come back to. U JELLY SCI FI?
Nick's #4: Mortal Kombat X
Truthfully, I don’t care much for fighting games. Most of them are too light on lore or their characters are far too cheesy for me to truly appreciate. With that said, Mortal Kombat has always scratched the right itch for me. The characters are all colorful and well designed and the game has always remained committed to establishing what so many other fighting games lack: context.
NetherRealm Studios return to Mortal Kombat in 2011 was not only a fantastic Mortal Kombat game but an all-around incredible game from the ground up. The reboot was technically sound, aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, unabashedly brutal. On top of that, the crypt made a welcome return and was jam packed with so many fun unlockables. I was hooked in ways that I had never been to another fighting game.
With the announcement of Mortal Kombat X just days before E3, it is certain to have a big presence at the show. Like so many other high-profile sequels, I am eager to see what new hardware can do for the franchise. Will the game feature a similar look and feel to the previous game or will it push the envelope of realism for the genre? How representative of the game is the launch trailer? I have so many burning questions… Of course, I am most eager to get a look at the roster and the inevitable character redesigns that come with each sequel. I’ve always been a big fan of Reptile… [Insert dinosaur joke here]. Of course, I’m hoping that they introduce some newbies that are just as memorable as the other classic characters. We’ll have our answers next week!
Chris' #4: Civilization: Beyond Earth
Up until about two years ago, I had heard of but never been really interested in the Civilization series. Despite hearing strong praise for the series, I didn't find myself wanting to dive into a new strategy title, let alone one that wasn't in real time and was hex-based. I picked up Civilization V on a whim during a Steam sale and man, do I feel terrible for having disregarded that series up until then. Over the past two years, I've put nearly 300 hours into Civ V and its two expansions, finding it to be the perfect game to play when nothing else interests me at the moment.
Firaxis' next title plans to take the Civilization series to the stars, harkening back to their beloved earlier title Alpha Centauri. The idea of Civilization on alien planets sounds intriguing to begin with but when you factor in, for the first time in the series, the ability to craft your own civilization as you see fit, I can't help but get excited. Alien life, sci fi tech webs, a new take on ideologies called "affinities" and more look to make this new Civ experience an incredibly enticing one. I can't wait to get my hands on it at E3.
Firaxis, don't you DARE delay this game into 2015. I'll kill you.
10 years, 7 months ago
great choices guys!!! I really hope Bayo 2 is on par with the first and i agree with Nick that mortal Kombat is one of the only fighting games with a good story or lore and i hope it runs well and can up the ante for Mortal Kombat as a next gen fighting game.
10 years, 7 months ago
Great choices guys. Can't wait to see the next ones.
10 years, 7 months ago
Really looking forward to Civilization Beyond Earth, I hope it's good. Never played the Alpha Centauri games, so I hope there's still enough for someone who is only coming from Civ V.
10 years, 7 months ago
Really looking forward to Civilization: Beyond Earth. I never played Alpha Centauri, but after playing Civilization V, I was really hoping they were going to remake it and it seems my wish has come true.
10 years, 7 months ago
I am excited for MKX, but I what the interactables in the trailer mean for the game as they ruined Injustice.