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Tis the Friday before E3 begins. Work productivity comes to a standstill. School children, as they begin their Summer vacation flock together one last time to sign yearbooks and imagine the games of tomorrow. Adults with the mindset of school children amass at their favorite gaming website, eager to speculate on what could make an appearance next week as well as grammatically abuse each other’s ludicrous ideas. Other slightly smarter adults provide more objective opinions before also crapping on other people’s thoughts as is the nature of the internet. And, at the heart of it, Brad, Nick and Chris get ready for their yearly journey to the biggest event in gaming.
Check out their #2 most anticipated games of E3 2014 below!
Brad's #2: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age: Origins is one of my very favorite games of last generation. Bioware's previous fantasy RPG series, Baldur's Gate, is a I series I was always close to loving, but I HATED the combat in those games. Dragon Age was Baldur's Gate with a smart and more tactical combat system. And I loved it. But one of the things that was lost in translation was the open ended and exploratory world structure of the original games. Nothing was more exciting than wandering the vast and dangerous forests of the original Baldur's Gate. And unfortunately, Dragon Age was terribly linear.
So warp to 2014, and we are now getting a Dragon Age game that is big and open. Not quite Elder Scrolls in structure, but it's probably the closest we will ever get to a fully open world from Bioware. The best part?! Transitions down into caves are completely seamless! It may sound strange to most sensible people, but this is a big deal for me. My brain builds a more cohesive sense of space when I'm not pulled out of the world via countless loading screens. I'M STARING AT YOU ELDER SCROLLS!
Dragon Age 3 still has the same lead writer the series has always had, still has the same tactical combat scripting I adore, and NOW has a giant world to explore at my own leisure! YEAH, this was VERY close to being my number one game most anticipated game of E3. But you'll have to wait till tomorrow to see witch game I'm most psyched about.
Nick's #2: The Order: 1866
What I do know is that this new IP speaks to me. It is cinematic, dark, and sure to be action packed. The idea of mixing supernatural forces, Victorian era London, and futuristic weaponry sounds like an awesome combination. I'm hoping that the demo at E3 will put some of my concerns to bed and even shed some more light on what the game actually is. Well... it's a third person shooter... but I want to know more about the universe, about the characters, and about the motivations that drive the player.
Oh... and I also want to shoot some stuff.
Chris' #2: Evolve
I love Left 4 Dead. It's an almost unfathomably good game with great gameplay, fun characters, an excellent versus mode and smart level design. While I have my very stern reservations about its sequel released just 11 months later, I still find myself in love with Turtle Rock. When they announced their spiritual successor, Evolve, last year I was excited and after hearing what Nolan had to say about it when he came back from PAX East I find myself exstatic for it.
It's not just the fact that Turtle Rock is doing it, however. I also happen have a fondness for asymetric multiplayer games, specifically ones that offer completely different experiences depending on which side you're on. Games like Splinter Cell and Left 4 Dead offer that for me so Evolve's 4v1 nature is right up my alley. Bimonthly updates such as the announcment of new characters, new powers keep making Evolve that much more enticing as we wait for the game's release in the ever increasingly crowded month of October. We have an appointment to see the game at E3 so I can't wait to share what we learn.
10 years, 7 months ago
"But you'll have to wait till tomorrow to see WITCH game I'm most psyched about."
Haha, of course.
These lists are pretty sweet~ So many games to be excited for. Yet right after E3 we're (hopefully) going to have a bunch more to add to our anticipation lists.
10 years, 7 months ago
Evolve has me very interested, it sounds like a much better version of Left 4 Dead's versus mode, coupled with the under-represented Dungeonland. I really hope that it turns out well.
10 years, 7 months ago
I'm more excited about the things we don't know yet.
10 years, 7 months ago
I was really looking forward to getting The Order: 1886 at the end of the year, but it has been delayed to 2015. Though, since more are getting delayed it is going to give me more time to play the other games, like my most anticipated, Dragon Age: Inquisition.
10 years, 7 months ago
I almost forgot about Evolve
I must know more!
I also hope The Order isn't gunna be a bunch of butt smeared with steampunk
10 years, 7 months ago
I can't wait for info on Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Hopefully something gets said about Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity. Excited for Microsoft's press conference, hopefully there are some great surprises. Some new 3DS RPG's would be cool as well.
10 years, 7 months ago
Cannot wait for Dragon Age
10 years, 7 months ago
Dragon Age has more or less won me over at this point - I went ahead and put in a pre-order, I'm a sucker. If I get burned here though and find some things I don't like... I don't know how I will approach Bioware moving forward. I feel like I know what I am getting already. I really need something fresh - and considering my love for The Witcher and how fantastic and hyped The Witcher 3 looks it will be hard to scratch that itch without taking a few notes.
10 years, 7 months ago
Evolve seems interesting. I need to play DA 2 so I can keep up with the third. And the Order...well I like the atmosphere but the gameplay I've seen, it looked generic. We will see how it goes. Keep it up guys!