
May SotM

SUBSCRIBERS!!! You don’t play baby games like Spyro so read this post! 

Subscriber Night was last Monday and it was pretty sweet. We started off the night playing some jenky Bushido Blade (PS1) as suggested by Zarles. Good hits were awesome but when you hit someone and they didn’t take damage it was frustrating! The night moved on with Alisia Dragoon (Genesis) from Jager in which Nick got much farther than Brad on his first try but was unable to beat the first level. We still love you Nick. Then the night got challenging with Krispy playing N+ (XBLA) for the first time. His concentration could not be broken. The evening intensified with Krispy and Nolan duking it out as Canada vs Japan in International Track and Field 2000 (PS1) also from Jager. There were some close calls but no one could catch Nolan in the canoe race. Things got a little childish when Krispy started playing Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage! (PS1). Colleting all those gems made for quite the exciting evening. The night was polished off with Brad playing a little Urban Trial Freestyle (PSN) a perfect competitor to Trials HD(XBLA), not. Check out the highlights for that once they go up. Did someone say Highlights? If something funny happens during the stream and you think it deserves a highlight please post the timestamp in the 4PN Highlight Requests forum thread here

Subscriber Night Winners

Our new Subscriber of the Month for May is alertgaming, and the game he chose for us to play this month is Earthbound (SNES).

The following 5 subscribers have been selected to choose the games we play on this month's Subscriber Night:

  • sgttaco
  • bbcue
  • theottomatic91
  • king_ironchin
  • nickobud

If you have been chosen, please email Nolan (NolanHedstrom@4PlayerNetwork.com) a list of any three games (in order of which you want to see most) you would like to see us play for 1 hour on this month's Subscriber Night. 


Unfortunately not everyone can create highlights, like they could in the good ole days, and only a select few can. Be sure to post highlight requests in the forum thread here.

New Release Tuesday

New Release Tuesday is tomorrow and while we have yet to choose a game I know most of the community wants us to play the new The Last of Us (PS3) DLC, Grounded

About Subscribing

If you want to subscribe, check our subscriber page for more details.

If you are already subscribed, you can find all of our exclusive subscriber videos and podcasts archived in our exclusive Subscriber Forum Thread! Your account must be linked to Twitch in order to access the forum. To do this, you will need to sign in to both our site AND Twitch, and then hit the purple button at the top of the page to link the two accounts. That will give you access to this subscriber section on our forums.



  • InvaderSnarf Avatar
    10 years, 10 months ago

    Everytime that I cannot catch Subscriber Game Night, or if I have to bow out before they announce the winners, I always check these posts. Hoping that I will see my name as one of the winners, but alas that has yet to happen.

    Another $5 bucks going to the 4pp monthly lottery for that chance of a win!

  • inthenameofharmon Avatar
    10 years, 10 months ago

    Brad has almost been through all the Spyro baby games!
    Keep up the good work team B)
    (inb4 skateboarding)

    These community nights are dope!