
og:image, New Website Update, Progress Report

I know it’s been quiet on the western front aside from podcasting and our typical broadcast schedule but that is mostly because we have been quietly focusing on getting this new version of the website ready to go so that we can launch before E3 next month. We aren’t sure if we will hit that mark but I certainly hope so since development is going pretty smooth thus far. If you haven’t checked out the video we shot discussing our vision for the future of the website, please check it out. Hyde put a lot of work into being that damn cute for that video.

I wanted to give everyone a peek at the progress we have made thus far. I still have my nose to the grindstone developing the front-end, meaning the actual front-facing look and functionality of the website. As you can see in the screenshot (above and below), it is shaping up quite nicely and I have had to make little to no adjustments to the final design to get this to work. It is making progress everyday and I am hoping to have the final template for the front page of the site done by this weekend.

Aside from a cleaned up design that focuses on interactions between the staff and community, the biggest addition coming down the pipe will be in the form of a functioning mobile version of the website. As shown in the screenshots below, you can see that the content consolidates and shifts to fit smaller screens and so far, it works just fine across all devices that I have tested. It’s been a fun challenge getting this new design to respond to various screen sizes and it will go a LONG way in adding a professional and convenient feel.

As I approach the finish line on this front-end code, the tricky part looms on the horizon. I will be working with Bob to test this template with our backend CMS. I’m optimistic but it might get tricky as we start to implement the dynamic content and back-end systems. The forums in particular have me a little nervous but hopefully I should have a clearer picture for the next update. With that said, I hope you can continue to bear with us as we make this transition. I hope the launch of this new site and this year’s E3, the first E3 to heavily feature a new generation of games, will serve as an exciting new era for 4Player. We hope you will stick around and be a part of it with us!


  • Waari Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Things seem to be shaping up quite nicely. The effort you guys are putting into this is very appreciated. Hope the transition will go smoothly for you and the community :)

  • FoxyManlyMan Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Good news as always, just one thing. Will we ever be able to watch the stream from your site on our phones or we continue to use the app for that? Good luck with the CMS thingy.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    It's awesome that you guys are making it function better on phones. I visit the site multiple times each day, but this will make it better when trying to do so on my android. Can't wait for this update.

  • MikeFalconG Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Both the site and mobile design look great. Only wish you guys would post more "opinion based articles". You guys post about the new and the podcast and thats great. I personally like the articles that are a little more than that. I can't really explain. Honestly, i can get the news somewhere else and your opinion on it is usually on the podcast.

    One article from the past that i found both entertaining and useful was this one.


    Its more than your opinion on the news and it more than you can say and explain on the podcast. These are articles that are exclusive and only here. In fact i told my friend about this article when he Gamefly'd Dragon Age 2.

    Here are some articles that i liked in the past year. I read because the content interested me and it was informative.



    (never played Persona 4. wanted to see opinion of someone who never played it.)




    I left out the trailer talks, reviews, and other basic stuff. Those are great. The articles above are the ones that are different and unique.

  • Boomstick_Chameleon Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Oh SHIT, the site's even coming to phones. Slick. The update is appreciated, Nick.

  • overlordbaal Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Great to hear more about the design. Looks great Nick.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Can't wait. Keep up the good work & good luck Nick.

  • SelfTorment Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Im excited to see the end result, Nick should take a little of the sub money and buy himself a drink :D

  • inthenameofharmon Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Phone hype! It'll load for me yes!

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Looks great so far!
    Looking forward to seeing the new design in action.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Well damn, this looks really nice!

  • Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    I don't use my phone to browse but it is nice to see an interface that looks good for once. Other sites are a fucking mess to use on phones.
    I'm indifferent to the site change as I come to the 4PN for the news and articles not the forums.

    Good Luck

  • Mr.GreenToS Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Awesome to read about the phone integration, and I do hope the forums won't interfere too much with the coding. They're still enjoyable for me to visit once in awhile wherever I get off work to read.