
Of course, it wouldn't PAX East without some kick ass new indie games comin down the pipe. Zack has a chat with the lead developer at Iridium Studios about a new voice controlled game, 'There Came an Echo'. The game features fully voiced game controls and a fleshed out narrative starring none other Wil Wheaton and Ashley Burch. For a look at the gameplay and the overall vibe of the game, take a look at the 1st trailer for the game below:

The game certainly has a familiar feel to it thanks to some the inspirations that were mentioned in the interview but it also feels like it is intent on establishing it's own identity. It will be fun to see how the voice controls pan out but I already have a feeling it will work better than some of the other games we have seen attempt this in the past. The game looks and sounds ambitious and fun which is exactly what we have come to expect from Indie Developers these days. The team also seems super excited about their project and it comes across in their interviews. You can bet we'll be playing this when it hits in the near future!


  • SelfTorment Avatar
    10 years, 9 months ago

    Really good interview, lets just hope the voice controls are better then Rife Rine. o-o

  • Avatar
    10 years, 9 months ago

    Surely voice controls will be an optional thing. Game looks sweet.