
Located in PAX East 2014’s indie mini booth was the mobile game Bounden, which challenges pairs to move as if they are dancing. In the game, the smartphone’s gyroscope is used to detect players’ movement, and players are challenged to line a cursor up with rings placed around a ball on screen. Move in real life, move the cursor around the ball. It’s hard to describe, but somehow it sort of works and something resembling dancing starts to occur.

My girlfriend and I had a great time playing this game, though it took a little bit of time to fully grasp, and it seems like both Nolan and Krispy did too. I present to you our Bounden video, which can only be truly understood by viewing it.

Remember to stay until the very end for a brief cameo!


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    10 years, 9 months ago

    Hahahaha, that's amazing. Well done, guys. Dat Bob.