
og:image:, Trials Fusion, Mount and Blade, Thinking with Time Machine

We're back from PAX East and back in the game! We're hitting that summer lull a little early this year but we have plenty to say about the new Trials Fusion. Brad and Krispy nerd out over some Game of Thrones themed Mount and Blade and we rap about the newly announced Fatal Frame on the WiiU. You know what that means folks... It's time to get scared.

Podcast 359 - [download]


Thinking with Time Machine
Trials Fusion
Wii Fit
New Fatal Frame Coming for the WiiU
Dragon Age 3 Gameplay Trailer Impressions
and more...

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  • inthenameofharmon Avatar
    10 years, 8 months ago

    Trials is starting to make it's name mean something else
    Like the trials and tribulations of the developer making a time trial game

    I hope they don't just leave the creativity to the community, DLC may be appreciated in this case imo