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Welcome to the first episode of the 4Pewdie Podcast. The podcast completely dedicated to all Pewdie Pie, all the time. APRIL FOOLS. HAHA, I bet we had you going there for a second. Brad and Nick hash out there feelings about Infamous: Second Son and Nolan expresses his love for Yoshi's New Island. On top of that, Two Assassin's Creed games are launching this year and Brad couldn't be happier. Lastly, learn way more about the guys and their tastes in women in the second segment. Oh yeah... We are giving away a 3-Day Badge to PAX East and the contest ends tomorrow at noon! Click the link below for details!
Podcast 357 - [download]
Yoshi's New Island
Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea (Episode 2)
Infamous: Second Son
Dark Souls 2
Two Assassin's Creed Games Launching in 2014
and more...
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PAX Contest Entry Question: What did you think of Nick's Pewdie Pie impression at the beginning of this week's podcast? (Be honest)
**Please Specify if your Answer is Meant to be a Contest Submission**
10 years, 9 months ago
You just can't fake the swedishness...ness.
*contest entry*
10 years, 9 months ago
So uh...yeah...Nick couldn't sound more like a pedophile in the beginning. But whatever, I hate Pewdiepie anyway :/
10 years, 9 months ago
Your voice kind of violated me, i like it. XD
also to touch upon the second son topic, How do the powers feel like. I understand electricity hurting somebody but smoke kinda seems like a pushover. In the first infamous i felt like a real superhero but you talking about how you desperately look for resources makes it seem like your a guy who just happens to have powers.
i never played the game so im asking about your opinion.
* this a denk contest entry*
10 years, 9 months ago
Guh. Even pewdiepie jokes have no appeal. ._.
10 years, 9 months ago
What Lau said. It was pretty embarrassing Nick, but also very funny. It's a shame that Nolan didn't like Yoshi's New Island though. I remember that during the cast, Nolan was just playing the Old Yoshi's Island soundtrack, and it was sooooo much better than what the game actually had. I feel bad for that game.
10 years, 9 months ago
*Contest Entry*
Nick you sounded like a cross between South Park's Micheal Jackson and Mr. Hanky....
10 years, 9 months ago
Contest Entry.
Nick sounded like he was doing a bad impersonation of Krispy trying to poorly impersonate Cartman. Impersona-ception... BWHAAAAAAAAAM
10 years, 9 months ago
*Contest Entry*
Uh... It umm, needs a bit of work?
10 years, 9 months ago
I m a huge pewdiepie fan and to see other ls try and goof around with his impression seems interesting and unique. The "what if " question if pewdiepie would have been a female, or had a different accent. Pewdiepie impressions make me happy.