
og:image, subscribers, subscribger night, subscriber of the month, 4player network

SUBSCRIBERS!!! Can I get a “What what!”? 

Subscriber Night was successful and a lot of fun. The night started out with Carlos sucking it up on Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (Wii) but we still love him, he’s good at shooters! Nolan felt like an idiot trying to figure out how Resonance of Fate (Xbox 360) works but after figuring out the controls it turns out it’s a pretty awesome game.  We interrupted the flow of games to have a quick impromptu Community Roundtable so the community could ask us questions about what’s going on with the site and plans for what’s coming in the near future. The gaming continued with Nolan, Brad, and ChrissyD playing Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden (PC) which turned out to be an awesome game. Check out the highlights for that once they go up. Did someone say Highlights? If something funny happens during the stream and you think it deserves a highlight please post the timestamp in the 4PN Highlight Requests forum thread here. Finally the night was finished off with Brad playing a little Elder Scrolls Online: BETA (PC).

Subscriber Night Winners

Our new Subscriber of the Month for March is whitegshepherd, and the game they chose for us to play this month is Corpse Party (PSP).

The following 5 subscribers have been selected to choose the games we play on this month's Subscriber Night:






If you have been chosen, please email Nolan (NolanHedstrom@4PlayerNetwork.com) a list of any three games (in order of which you want to see most) you would like to see us play for 1 hour on this month's Subscriber Night. 

Community's Top 10 Highlights 2013

You, the community, have voted and y’all chose your favorite highlights from 2013. Check out that video here. If you’d like to make sure the best moments from 2014 make it into next year’s video be sure to request the highlights.


Unfortunately not everyone can create highlights, like they could in the good ole days, and only a select few can. Be sure to post highlight requests in the forum thread here.

New Release Tuesday

New Release Tuesday is tomorrow and Nolan will finally be playing the long awaited South Park: The Stick of Truth. Tune in tomorrow evening in which Nolan will be playing South Park: Tenorman's Revenge so we can see how awesome older South Park games were leading up to the midnight release of South Park: The Stick of Truth.

About Subscribing

If you want to subscribe, check our subscriber page for more details.

If you are already subscribed, you can find all of our exclusive subscriber videos and podcasts archived in our exclusive Subscriber Forum Thread! Your account must be linked to Twitch in order to access the forum. To do this, you will need to sign in to both our site AND Twitch, and then hit the purple button at the top of the page to link the two accounts. That will give you access to this subscriber section on our forums.



  • Toast Avatar
    11 years ago

    Out of the 5 new subscribers, I only recognize three as frequent chatters: killjoy, crazyken and ricesamajanai. I'm interested in what their games will be.

    I enjoyed Nolan playing Resonance of Fate (probably because he figured out the Tri-Attack so quick, which is a plus) and it's one of my favorite JRPGs of last gen because of it's unique combat system and really wierd story. Shut Up and Jam Gaiden though...that game ls totes legit. I would like to see both of those played on the feed more in the future.

  • Nolan Hedstrom Avatar
    Nolan Hedstrom
    11 years ago

    Yeah I liked both of those games too. Excited to see what we play next month!