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I was both thrilled and incredibly cautious with my optimism when I first heard that The Creative Assembly was working on a survival horror game set in the 'Alien' universe. Honestly, I am still cautious thanks to the ridiculously bad luck that the series has had thus far. Gearbox destroyed an otherwise promising experience with Aliens: Colonial Marines and the Obsidian RPG was cancelled years back before ever truly seeing the light of day. This is not to mention so many other sub-par Alien experiences out there.
Then The Creative Assembly comes along and says:
"Hey! We realize that Alien was a horror film at its core so that's the kind of game we are going to make!" - Some dude at Creative Assembly (Not really but kind of)
Truth be told, I have a rather controversial opinion of the Alien franchise. I accept this. While Alien 3 may be my favorite Alien film, I can confidently say that franchise is at it's best when there is only a single alien involved. What this new diary demonstrates is that The Creative Assembly are actually trying something very ambitious. This game is essentially a horror game built around the idea that was introduced in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis with a solitary, unstoppable creature stalking you from beginning to end. With that in mind, I have a few questions I would like answered:
- What does the moment to moment gameplay entail when you are not confonting the alien?
- Are there human enemies in the game that might serve as fodder for the Alien and provide some additional objectives?
- What the hell does a 30 minute encounter with an alien look and play like?
I'm a little worried about relying on a completely un-scripted AI to drive the alien but if it works as promised, this could end up becoming the first truly remarkable game in the Alien franchise.
The last thing that I noticed while watching this video is that the game seems to be looking and sounding way better than it did in the older footage. The little details that make the ship feel real and make the player feel like she has a physical prescense in the world seem to really shine in this new footage. I can't wait to see more of the game and for now I am cautiously adding this game to the top of my most anticipated games list.
Alien Isolation is coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3, and Xbox 360 in late 2014. On a side note, If it's not amazing, I hope it can atleast satiate me until SOMA hits in 2015.
10 years, 10 months ago
I'm just surprised that Creative Assembly decided to make a FPS survival horror.
10 years, 10 months ago
That's interesting.
CA did receive a lot of flak for "dumbing" down their Total War, but they do have great ideas. Most of their challenges reside in their implantation. And that's what I'm seeing: great ideas, but how good will they be in practice?
A non-scripted Alien sounds great, but CA isn't known for their astounding AIs with fans describing the campaign AI in Total War as passive and inadequate (and its usually one of the first element modded).
I'm excited the Alien will not be a red shirt, it isn't intended to be that way in the first place. Sure the thing was terrifying, but what made it even scarier is that it was intelligent. It waited for its target to be isolated to strike, foiled plans to corner it, evaded traps and created ambushes.
Now that I think about it, I hope CA makes it possible to earn small victories against this "unstoppable monster". I mean... if it's "you get spotted, you die because monster is OP and you are powerless", this gets old really fast (and been done before). If I have a makeshift flamethrower, even if I can't kill it, I hope I can at least repel it long enough so it loses my trail and I can hide. That's a lot more exciting.
I'm hyped, but still on the fence. What I see is typical CA behavior: great ideas, but I just hope they can pull this off instead of dropping the ball.
10 years, 10 months ago
I just hope it's not a bug-filled mess like their previous Total War games since Empire.
10 years, 10 months ago
I have high hopes for this game. The fact that it's being made by a studio with little to no history of making this sort of game is more promising and intriguing than it being made by a studio like Gearbox with a history of making shit games like DNF and Borderlands.
10 years, 10 months ago
As long as it's better than Colonial Marines and Carlos plays it, then I'll look forward to it. Poor Carlos; he'll never trust a game again.