
As many guessed, today Game Informer and Rocksteady Studios have revealed the finale to the Arkham franchise: Batman: Arkham Knight.

Scarecrow has gathered Harley Quinn, Two-Face, and The Penguin (among others, no doubt) to take down Bats once and for all. Gotham City will be available to explore in an open world larger than either Arkham Origins or Arkham City, which leads into the most awesome major addition to this installment: a fully driveable Batmobile.

As you can see in the totally awesome trailer, a new Batmobile as designed by Rocksteady themselves will be driveable and an essential element of the game's traversal and overall gameplay. The city has been designed accordingly, with wider streets to make driving possible and enough city to make driving worthwhile.

Arkham Knight has thus far only been announced for the PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. It is entirely possible that we may be looking at our first true multiplatform current-gen exclusive, and if it is designed exclusively for next gen, it's an exciting indication that the game is going to be quite a powerhouse.

Batman: Arkham Knight will release some time in 2014.


  • Iki_Iki_Tchikiriupow Avatar
    11 years ago

    Still to early to have any meaningful opinions.

    But... I don't know... Am I the only one not attracted to a fully driveable batmobile? I don't want to drive aimlessly around town... I want to be the goddamn batman! And I don't see "open world" as necessarily a good thing. I am still in the clan who preferred Asylum to City with its more solid narrative instead of being all over the place.

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    Bob Webb
    11 years ago

    Including the batmobile and making it an essential part of gameplay to me just means they won't fill out the larger Gotham they are creating *because* of the batmobile. Asylum was great because it felt packed with content and secrets; with a scale like this, I just can't imagine them having enough time to not make the city feel repetitive. I just can't shake the feeling it wont just be "drive here, plot point, drive here, plot point, drive here, plot point..."

    Maybe I should actually get around to playing Arkham City, but at this point, I'm just tired of Batman in general.

  • Travis Anderson Avatar
    Travis Anderson
    11 years ago

    It's a nice trailer, but it's still too early to make any judgments. However, I'm kind of skeptical to the idea of an open-world that big in an Arkham game. Honestly, I'm just not sure how they'll handle it or even if it won't be a disappointment. Here's to hoping we can trust Rocksteady to work their magic like before.

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    11 years ago

    I have to agree with Bob, I'm not exactly thrilled about the Batmobile being essential to gameplay. Don't get me wrong, gliding across that bridge in Origins 20+ times was very tedious, but aside from that section, I enjoyed grapple-gliding throughout the city.

    I do appreciate that this is the finale though, churning out one year after year was what turned me off from the Assassin's Creed franchise (Not to say that it's the only franchise that does it).

  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    11 years ago

    That is a damn good, awesome trailer. But, the only thing I really wish they would do was make the world seem more alive. I didn't really get that vibe from Arkham City. I'm just glad this is being done by Rocksteady and I'm sure it'll be great, can't wait to hear more.

  • Toast Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Like Bob said, as long as it isn't "drive here, drive there" with the Batmobile and the world rewards players for on-foot traversal as much as vehicle traversal, then it should be a good game. Hopefully.