
og:image:, Southpark The Stick of Truth, Thief, Dark Souls 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Batman Arkham Knight, Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Prepare yourselves for a impressions-heavy show this week. South Park: The Stick of Truth is finally upon us and Nolan couldn't be happier. We have some more impressions of Thief and Brad unloads on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. Krispy also snagged himself an early copy of Dark Souls 2 and shares his initial impressions. Not to spoil anything but... it's hard. Batman steals the spotlight in the 2nd segment now that Rocksteady has unveiled their new project, Batman: Arkham Knight! Share your thoughts about the games and discussion topics featured on this week's podcast! We want to know what you think!

Podcast 353 - [download]


Southpark: The Stick of Truth
Dark Souls 2
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
Donkey Kong Country Returns: Tropical Freeze
Batman: Arkham Knight Announcement
and more...

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NEW RELEASE TUESDAY - South Park: The Stick of Truth

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Enjoy the show? Let us know how you feel about the topics discussed! Don't forget to subscribe to the show on iTunes to get each show as soon as it releases! As always, thanks from all of us here at 4player!


  • aFrowningBear Avatar
    10 years, 10 months ago

    Thank you for the quick upload Nick! :)

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    Sergio Garcia
    10 years, 10 months ago

    I'm so glad I didn't buy Lords of Shadow 2. The first game was okay and the demo for the second one was actually fun, but if the game emphasizes rat stealthing so much, it's definitely a pass for me.

    Great show guys, it was really informative and you might just convince me to give the South Park game a try.

  • Kuroonehalf Avatar
    10 years, 10 months ago

    Hey guys, have any of you looked into Danganronpa yet? The localization recently released on the Vita and I was eager to see what you guys thought about it. Unfortunately, since NISAmerica are the ones bringing it over, there hasn't been much marketing for it, which is unfortunate because it's such a great game. On the bright side, their localization is solid.

    I think some of you will be super into it and I'd say it's a must have title for the Vita (or even if you don't own a vita, borrow one or grab the fan translation for the psp version and play that). I really don't want to give much away because it's a really story driven game and almost everything is a spoiler, but essentially the game is this really crazy murder mystery with gameplay that heavily resembles part Persona 4, part Phoenix Wright, but with a lot of flair of its own.

    Anyways, cheers guys. :p

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    Robyn Hilton
    4 years, 12 months ago

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