
First up this week is a trailer for Murdered: Soul Suspect, a game where you solve crimes...as a ghost! Certainly an odd concept, but a ghostly protagonist could lead to interesting gameplay mechanics. After that is a trailer for a Lara Croft outfit in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13 because, if you make a game with swappable outfits, you absolutely have to make as many crossovers as possible! Right? ...right? Brad then giggles in glee at a gameplay snippet for Deception 4 that shows off a ridiculous combination of traps. Then a trailer for costume DLC for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, because boobies. Finally, Brad talks about the new Sonic Boom trailer which seems to be yet another 3D Sonic game, but it's not made by Team Sonic. The change in development team would explain the character redesigns we've been laughing at this week.

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  • ScrawnyFlannelman Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    I'm definitely interested to see where Murdered: Soul Suspect goes. It's an interesting concept, if nothing else, and the trailers so far have shown a lot of promise. That Deception game looks kinda cool, but I haven't owned a handheld system since my Game Gear. The Vita might not be a bad pick for a new one though, since its combination of exclusives and PSN titles gives it a pretty interesting library. Can't say much about the rest of the trailers, since I'm not interested in playing an FFXIII title, DOA has never been on my radar, and even if I DID give a shit about Sonic, that trailer would have killed my interest.

    I suspect that was kind of the reaction you're expecting from these games. Hopefully we'll get to see some more from Murdered: Soul Suspect soon. I'd love to catch some gameplay video of it, since the trailers so far have only been clips of cutscenes and FLASHES of gameplay.