
og:image, beatbuddy, tales of the guardians, stream journal

Let me tell you about a game called Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians, the game I chose to play on the feed last Tuesday. In Beatbuddy, you play as a small blue...err...thing, and swim your way through a series of 2D underwater levels. There's some combat and the occasional bit of puzzle solving, but broadly speaking Beatbuddy is a rhythm action game, as every level beats and pulsates in time with the game's soundtrack and often requires you to adapt your play according to the rhythm of the song. There are streams of bubbles that need to be swam through on certain beats, vehicle sections where you bop along harmoniously with the backing track, and so on.

Is Beatbuddy a good game? Hmmm...it's OK. It does get repetitive after a while, and some sections require timing-based precision which can be a little frustrating to pull off. If you are planning to play it, I recommend doing so with a controller, because I found it miles better than using a keyboard when it comes to precise control of your little blue thing.

Now if you were to ask me whether Beatbuddy has a good soundtrack, then my answer would be: yes, yes it does. It has a great soundtrack, in fact. The tracks to the first and third levels are particular favourites of mine. Each track has a unique sound to it, and incorporates all kinds of genres, from jazz and rock to pop and techno. The cool thing is how the feel of the soundtrack is linked directly to your play within the game. It doesn't always flow as smoothly as it could, but when it comes together, it's really something. It's hard to describe. Check out the broadcast and see/hear it for yourself.    

Seriously, that track for level 3 is so good. Apparently it's called "Lost In Yesterday" by Europa Deep. Bopping along to that track in the little bathysphere thing with the 'ooh-ooh-ooh-oooohhh' vocals, blasting various sea monsters who are obscuring your path in a strange kind of synchronised swim, just feels awesome. The game has a fun sense of humour, too, and a 'hand painted' art style that does look very nice.

Beatbuddy, then, is an ok game that's worth picking up for just for its charm and soundtrack. If it sounds like your jam, you can pick it up through Steam at a very reasonable price.  


  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    11 years ago

    I really enjoyed watching you play this game George. I agree, the music in the game is great and very relaxing, at least the music I heard was. Lost in Yesterday is a pretty good song too. I'll be sure to pick this up on a Steam sale, looks like fun.

  • Toast Avatar
    11 years ago

    Like I said on Tuesday, the music in this game eerily gave me a Rayman Legends-like feel, which is only a plus in my book. I'm looking forward to your next cast of this.

    Also, Long Live The Queen.