Turtle Rock Studios is a much beloved, if not much talked about, developer.  This team has been around for a little more than a decade but their works have had a big impact on the PC gaming community.  During their time under Valve's control they created much of the CounterStrike content you know and love and, in 2008, released Left 4 Dead which many will argue is one of the best zombie games of all time.  In 2009 they officially reformed as a studio after having been broken up by Valve and, in between bits of Left 4 Dead 2 downloadable content, began work on their spiritual successor to their zombie-focused franchise.  Evolve is the result.

A five player asymmetrical game with a strong scifi flair, Evolve pits a team of four hunters sent to an alien world to hunt down a large monster that's controlled by a player.  As a match progresses, the monster can evolve and become more powerful, eventually becoming a hulking behemoth that's very difficult to kill.  Imagine, if you will, the ultimate Predator game wherein the Predator slowly changes into a creature far larger and deadlier than the Tank from Left 4 Dead.

The game looks great so far as it well should be considering Evolve runs on CryEngine.  Stay tuned for more coverage including during tonight's podcast.


  • Mathew Summers Avatar
    Mathew Summers
    10 years, 11 months ago

    HYPE MUCH? na really this looks very interesting

  • ScrawnyFlannelman Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Kind of an odd musical choice here, but the game looks interesting all the same. A lot of good conversation surrounding it on the podcast last night. It's definitely on my radar.

  • Martin Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Honestly, this made me smile with excitement!! Totally bored with zombie shooters, and this looks like the perfect thing to move onto.

  • Diamond_Eyez Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    I'm really excited for this game. Wonder how fun it will be to play as the monster. Can't wait too hear more about it.

  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    10 years, 11 months ago

    This looks pretty damn interesting, the concept sounds really cool.