
og:image, Stream Journal, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona 4

As promised, I jumped head first into Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 at the start of 2014. This is my first experience with a proper Shin Megami Tensei game since 2011's puzzle-adventure game, Catherine, didn't quite qualify. At this point, i'm about 10 - 11 hours into the game and after one hell of an introductory stage (read: 3 - 4 hours of handholding and narrative setup), I am finally starting to dig into the meat and potatoes of the experience.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I had always heard that Shin Megami Tensei games were equal parts turn-based combat and relationship management. After about three hours of pure narrative and character setup, I was inclined to think that the game would lean more heavily towards social mechanics. This isn't a bad thing as I am quite fond of games that build attachment to characters through interaction and interpersonal relationships. Alas, the game eventually shifted gears and stepped up it's game by focusing more prominently on combat and character progression. As it turns out, this is a game that is 100% combat focused. Even the everyday activies that you perform such as hanging out with friends, studying, and working jobs folds back into battle by improving your stats and unlocking new Personas. I always pictured these aspects being handled separetely. I figured there would be people who spend a lot of time doing one or the other not realizing that both sides of the coin are imperitive to the continued progression of the game. It's really quite refreshing.

I am having a lot of fun learning the game's systems and thanks to a few designated Persona experts in chat, I have been able to obtain quick and detailed explanations when necessary. Seeing as I am jumping into the series pretty late in the game, I feel like there are a lot of tropes or mechanics that were established earlier in the series that simply aren't explained clearly here. For instance, being able to rush enemies once they have all been knocked to the ground is an important strategy that encourages familiarity with enemy weaknesses. It's a satisfying tactic but one that I didn't fully understand until a few Persona veterans explained it to me. Also, the Fusion system is great fun but not exactly easy to just pick up and play with. I suppose it is designed to encourage experimentation but in an RPG with some daunting boss encounters, (even this early in the game) I would prefer to feel like I was making the right decisions. Of course, I am starting to get the hang of it and it's a system that reminds me of my favorite parts of games like Pokemon and Monster Rancher. This brings me to the two highlights of my playthrough thus far...

Persona 4 - Yukiko and Orobas

That's right folks, I have my eyes set on Yukiko. The adorable Chie may be more my style but the game itself forced my hand by implying that Yukiko-San is hard to get (Thus, the Yuki Challenge was born). What can I say? I'm a sucker for the dating sim aspect here (as I was in Catherine as well). On the combat side of the coin, we have Orobas, my fabulous horse Persona who packs quite the punch and does a wonderful job of channeling Derek Zoolander in combat. He is the best and I will never get rid of him chat! You can't make me!

Of course, I realize that i'm going to have to face the music eventually. Yuki has not been around much lately, both physically and mentally, thanks to her inconvenient imprisonment within the TV realm and her strange relationship with Chie. Perhaps I am wasting my time with either one if you catch my drift. Only time will tell. Of course, if the Yuki challenge doesn't pan out, I can always shift gears and go after Yumi now that I have joined the Drama club.

...My god. I had forgotten how stressful having a social life was in High School.

All in all, i'm having a lot of fun and I look forward to future broadcasts. Hopefully, I can finish the game in a few months and be ready for the release of Persona 5 (which is presumably coming out this year). You can catch my next broadcast on Friday, January 31st, on 4pp.tv!

og:image, Watch Nick Play Persona 4


  • overlordbaal Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    As someone who loves the SMT games it's been a lot of fun being able to see you react to these mechanics for the first time. Can't wait to see you play more of this Nick. And I can't wait to see your reaction to Mara.

  • Frank Hartnett Avatar
    Frank Hartnett
    10 years, 11 months ago

    I think it's worth pointing out that there is an anime based off of Persona 4 that follows the story pretty well. If there's anyone interested in the plot/characters, but feels turned off by the game mechanics, that would be your best alternative. Well, aside from watching Nick of course. :P

  • Zack Wheat Avatar
    Zack Wheat
    10 years, 11 months ago

    This may sound weird, but honestly, watching this stream started to remind me after six years why I love this game in the first place. Maybe it's the discovery of how ridiculously Japanese it all is, or the funny little things, or just dorking out with other people about strategies and cracking up at the monster designs.

    I can get why the numbers on this stream were so friggin' big. This is a fun one.

    (I want it on record that I've decided I'm no longer declaring Rise to be the right girl to romance, however, because she is mine.)

  • Big Wazu Avatar
    Big Wazu
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Glad to see you're really enjoying the game Nick. I haven't touched Persona 4 yet myself but I bought a Vita copy so I'll be sure to dive in soon. I enjoy watching your Persona 4 casts Nick, keep em coming.

  • DrGonzo2 Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Wait until he meets Rise and Naoto, who are way better than Yukiko. :3

  • Zladko Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Yukiko is great in the sense that she manages to be more boring than everyone else.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    I actually started Persona 4 recently as well. I'm enjoying it, but man, managing social links is stressful...

  • butts Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    "I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I had always heard that Shin Megami Tensei games were equal parts turn-based combat and relationship management."

    Na that's just the Persona games, and I'd say they're a good starting point. 4 is good, I'm glad you're having fun with it and that you kept your orobas horse challenge

  • Toast Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    I totally predicted Nick would go for Yukiko this early on (TAKE THAT SPIRE, BECAUSE CHIE IS MORE NICK'S TYPE OF GIRL BUT I KNOW HE WOULDN'T RESIST THE CHALLENGE), but we can't really say this early on until Nick encounters all the characters.

    And I mean, all of them. Including Kanji. Hue hue hue.

    On a related note: I'm glad Nick is enjoying the game. I'll rescind what I said last year about Nick earning my respect due to not being able to finish the game because he's actually enjoying it. Kudos to you, Nick.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    I'm glad nick is playing this game and that he is enjoying it, since I am not a huge fan of the persona series its nice to watch someone play a game I most likely never play. The only Persona I have played most of was Persona 3 and I got real tired of the combat nearing the final boss in the game and as a result I never finished it. These games just seem to bore me after the most of the story is completed, the rpg elements just can't keep my attention for the 50+ hours of game.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    I have yet to actually have a try at Persona 4 but after hearing the positive feedback I may get to it alot sooner than I would have (which may have been never lol) and thanks for the extra info it'll be helpful if when I start my playthrough.

  • Revrevs Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Why does everyone get the impression that this is a SMT game? Persona is a spinoff and before the spinoff it was a series derived closely from the RPG Titan: Wizardry. SMT's popularity never exploded in the west due to strict standards on religious depictions and referenecs in gaming at the time of its hay day. Dragon Quest also suffered this same censorship as well as a title change due to other legal issues. Greater information on this topic is out there of you're willing to search for it.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    I can't help but be surprised that Nick is liking the game. Not to sound elitist or anything, but P4 is a game that's not too easy to get into without someone explaining bits of the game to you. I also know that sometimes it's simply not for everyone and people don't enjoy the dungeon crawling or the long cutscenes and ya know, that's ok. But I'm glad Nick is enjoying the game. I hope he sticks with it, if not until the end, but at least long enough to obtain all the characters in his party.

  • aFrowningBear Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    This is very enjoyable to watch and considering I've never played a Persona game before, or anything like it, I'm curious to see how you do Nick.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Great read. Been meaning to see what all the fuss is about when it comes to Persona.

  • Avatar
    10 years, 11 months ago

    Good read! I still want an upset, though... I can understand the Yuki challenge, but Yuki only forever challenge?

    I finished up P4 a couple of months ago, so seeing people explain it in detail in chat (learning stuff I never realized) and seeing Nick make his choices is really neat. I missed the Pony Persona cast, sadly. Must tune in tomorrow!