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11 years, 1 month ago
I love how all the list that have been released so far have been so different from each other. Each list has something new, in terms of games in it, and everyone's number one games so far have been very surprising. Great list Zach and keep up the great work Chris.
11 years, 1 month ago
So far I've been skeptical about people who put Splinter Cell Blacklist on their best of list, since the controls are really abysmal in trying to be truly stealth. Not to mention the characters and story are insipidly boring....
11 years, 1 month ago
This is probably the most varied list so far, and that's good. Revengeance (about time, 4pp staff), Fire Emblem AND Dual Destinies? I can dig it.
But Tomb Raider for #2? Well okay, Zack. OKAY.