Once again, it has begun.

If you're smart, if you value your continued financial stability, if you have any plans about eating tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ever put on your computer: Steam.

Starting today and lasting until January 3rd, the Steam Holiday Sale will be providing massive discounts on vidjagames to buy for yourself or other Steam users. Today is already a doozy, with sales ranging from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance to The Stanley Parable to Bioshock Infinite.

My advice: If you're interested in something, even if it's on discount, don't buy unless it's a flash sale, daily deal, or community choice. Or if it's the final day of the sale.

You can boot up Steam or simply head over to the site to take a look around.

I, for one, might spring for Monaco and Divekick- who's with me?


  • MediocreMicMan Avatar
    11 years, 2 months ago

    Nice Dr.Who reference.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 2 months ago

    Dat Gabe Newell face gets me all the time.