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The Week of September 2, 2013
The weekend is finally here! Time to recap some important news buzzing around the game industry.
- We have so many post PAX 2013 podcasts for you! Our latest one is here, but make sure to check out earlier ones and impressions while you're at it!
- Hideki Kamiya joined 4Player in chat while Brad played Wonderful 101. NO BIG FUCKING DEAL. </hyperventilate>
- A Beyond: Two Souls demo is coming to PSN on October 1st. I'll be adding this to my queue and will try my best to give Quantic Dreams the benefit of the doubt, but I'm still not too sure about this title.
- Are you sick of hearing about Watch_Dogs? You probably shouldn't watch this 14 minute gameplay demo, then.
- The original Xbox One vision is still the future of games, Microsoft argues. This compliments Nolan's post-E3 2013 piece very well.
- Hideo Kojima tweeted some eyebrow-raising comments about upcoming bikini sniper warrior Quiet in MGS 5, and then did some eyeroll-inducing back pedalling after people questioned him.
- In case you're excited for Titanfall betas that have been appearing, Respawn warns players that they are 100% scams.
- What have you played in the past week? I think I might pick up Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons for my PS3 on my upcoming payday, and Outlast seems to be on everyone's mind.
That wraps it up for this week. If a game-related event occurs during the week and you think it deserves a mention, then please contact me and let me know.
11 years, 6 months ago
I'm getting on the Betrayer early access on Monday. Nothing else seems that interesting. GTA V looks really cool but my PS3 just died yesterday so... I'll probably go in a Pandemic weekend with Mercenaries 2 and The Saboteur.
11 years, 6 months ago
Is that really back pedaling? It reads more like Kojima trying to say the same thing in a language they don't often use.
And I'm more sick of GTA V than Watchdogs. How any threads about it do we possibly need?
11 years, 6 months ago
"Encourage more people to cosplay"
looks at Bikini Sniper, thinks about the types of people who play the game.
11 years, 6 months ago
I still find the reaction to Kamiya coming into chat interesting. We're in an age where you can follow any celebrity you want and have them mortalized by seeing their stream of thoughts on a daily basis, but autographs and stream visits still mean something more.
11 years, 6 months ago
I will probably try out the Beyond demo but from what I've heard the controls seem really awkward and nowhere near as good as Heavy Rain.
While I am excited for Watch Dogs I wish they showed more variety in their gameplay I heard on one of the podcasts that the demo at PAX was the same one ar E3 which is BS.
While I do agree that digital only is the future I highly doubt Microsofts vision is the correct one.
This past week I finished Sr4 and Gone Home and both were great albeit different experiences, for this week Outlast is what I'll start with and then possibly the Burea.