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Hideki Kamiya is a pretty cool dude. Making games like Bayonetta, Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe and many more cult hits, he seems like a dude with a pretty good line up of games that should make him internationally renown. Sadly, lack of publisher support has been the bane of his existence, and his games not named RE2 and DMC have not been world beaters in the sales category. Bless his heart, Kamiya still makes the most innovative games on the market, including a new game from his Platinum Studios; Wonderful 101.
Wonderful 101 is a game that to describe, it would take up way too much of this blog, so lets just leave at watch this trailer of a game that can best be described as Pikmin + Okami + Bayonetta.
Sadly, this game is barely getting sales (measuring up to near six-thousand sales in Japan, and not even cracking the top twenty in United Kingdom sales). This can be blamed on uniqueness of the game plus poor marketing on Nintendo's part, and the fact the game is Wii U exclusive. Still, Hideki Kamiya could use a slight help for his day, and that is what 4Player Podcast is made of- day helping.
Mgs2master2 was cool enough to send out a tweet to Hideki Kamiya himself informing Kamiya that 4PlayerNetwork (specifically Brad) is playing his newest masterpiece of zany creativity in Wonderful 101, to which Hideki could only reply with “: )” to display his pleasure of this news. If that was all, this would still be a good day, but Kamiya would not hold back there. He would soon grace 4PlayerNetwork with his presence on the chat.
It seemed like it was probably a faker account, saying simple things like “: )” and “x D”, so people at first decided to just let it slide without too much digging in fear of it just being a faker. But, when Brad noticed the account on the feed, things became better than hoped or expected. Instead of just the Kamiya account (Pg_kamiya in Twitch) confirming it, which would have left us all with suspicions, we saw another new account named “Platinumgamesjp” tell us that, in fact, this was the real deal. Compliments to Kamiya and his greatness ensued in chat, and almost as soon as he came, like drop of water creating waves in the pond, Kamiya would leave us, in what can be assumed, high spirits.
Maybe it was an overly elaborate faker, but the coincidence of the reply from Mgs2master2, the typing style (favoring simple smilies is what Kamiya does on Twitter if he isn't annoyed at tweets), and the suddenness of the Platinumgamesjp account makes it all too real.
EDIT- For all saying this is a tall tale and we are just gulible fools, PROOF THAT IT TRULY WAS KAMIYA
In summary- Kamiya is a pretty cool dude who is now a 4PlayerNetwork fan
11 years, 6 months ago
Awwwww yeaaaaaaah
11 years, 6 months ago
I bet Brad came buckets full that day
11 years, 6 months ago
Brad's reaction highlight:
11 years, 6 months ago
That is just WONDERFUL!
11 years, 6 months ago
11 years, 6 months ago
A true gentleman.
11 years, 6 months ago
I have a sick sense of humor that would just die if Kamiya suddenly asked in chat, all super polite, "Brad, could you try playing Fatal Frame?"
It be interesting, because I don't think Brad could tell him no. <3
11 years, 6 months ago
Probably the only chatter that I would pay attention to.