
og:image;, PAX Prime, PAX, Penny Arcade, Community

It's that time of year again! PAX Prime, the biggest public gaming convention of the year has arrived! We (Nick, Joseph, Kris, and Chris Davis) will be in Seattle this weekend to play all the sweet games, eat Katamari Burritos, and enjoy the company of some of our wonderful community members! If you are in the Seattle area or attending the event this weekend, join us on Sunday night for our annual community meetup (Details below). For a change of pace this year, we will be meeting up for dinner on Sunday evening at a nearby restaurant. The restaurant is just a short walk from the convention center! If you plan on attending, please try to let us know in the comments or in the forum thread. We hope to see you there!

Where: Metropole American Kitchen and Bar (Visit their website for more info)
820 Pike Street
Seattle, Wa 98101

When: Sunday, September 1, 2013 at 6:15 PM (Reservation is at 6:30PM)
