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The inFAMOUS series has always touted its core conflict of good versus evil and the moral choices which players were presented with, though some have argued that the attempts have been too binary and ham-fisted. inFAMOUS: Second Son, the upcoming third installment which will be released this holiday, has already started to show off where it will be giving players a few inner struggles to mull over.
The presence of superhuman "conduits" such as Cole in the inFAMOUS universe is a powerful one, with their abilities and what is done with them forming the crux of the series' moral dilemmas. We see here a world that has cracked down on conduits, and a decision protagonist Delsin must make in regards to a particular conduit's fate. Interesting, but if this is a decision made by the player, it still comes down to a "kill or don't kill" binary choice, though it's at least more morally grey than the "feed all the children or eat them for sustenance" decisions present in inFAMOUS 1 and 2.
In the brief trailer there are also snippets of combat, which looks awfully impactful and riddled with silky-smooth flashiness. I can only hope that the emphasis on orange and red in Delsin's abilities is not representative of the game's universal color scheme, because we do not need another Prototype palette in this industry.
inFAMOUS: Second Son releases this holiday for the Playstation 4.
11 years, 6 months ago
I'm not sure why but gameplay wise I am not very impressed with what I've seen so far for this title but then again they may have more varied gameplay shown in the future.
11 years, 6 months ago
This is probably the first game I will ever get when I get a PS4. Its really interesting that you can absorb other people's powers, hopefully they handle such situations in the game well. The game should give you a reason to absorb or not to absorb their powers. Anyways, I am really excited for this.
11 years, 6 months ago
It appears owl powers have been absorbed. Being a bird confirmed