The Week of July 15, 2013

The weekend is finally here! Time to recap some important news buzzing around the game industry.

  • Go check out our latest episode where the guys discuss Steam summer sales, 30 year old vampires, Ni No Kuni and Nintendo!

  • Did you want more Borderlands 2? If so, you're in luck. The Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 will add 11 new levels to the current cap and also the chance to "over-level." Gearbox confirmed it will cost $5 and will not be a part of the DLC season pass. Also, more T.K Baha coming your way with the upcoming DLC.

  • Brian Crecente of Polygon shares some fascinating thoughts on the increasing number of open world games in his piece on why Ubisoft thinks gamers will want always-online games.

  • I thought the Tomb Raider reboot was a pile of hot garbage, but to hear that Gail Simone is writing a comic after the events of the game could be good news for the franchise. Gail, please do Lara justice.

  • Did you know that we recorded a Spoilercast for The Last of Us? Go listen if you've played the game and want to hear different perspectives, or if you generally don't mind being spoiled!

  • Deadly Premonition for PC. DEADLY PREMONITION FOR PC! Did you hear that, Zack? Soha just let out an ear-piercing squee.

  • Thomas Grip, creative director of Frictional Games (Penumbra & Amnesia), gave a lecture titled "The Self, Presence and Storytelling." Though this is from last year's GDC, it is definitely still applicable to the rise of heavy narrative games.

  • Shin Megami Tensei IV, Time and Eternity and the Faction Pack for Metro: Last Light were some new releases last week, and the Steam summer sale keeps claiming the pockets of all gamers. Did you pick up any titles? Or have you been too busy enjoying SDCC?
That wraps it up for this week. If a game-related event occurs during the week and you think it deserves a mention, then please contact me and let me know.


  • Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    the weekly is just like a "what you've missed" section..
    I didn't know that.. .

  • George Denison Avatar
    George Denison
    11 years, 7 months ago

    "I thought the Tomb Raider reboot was a pile of hot garbage".
    I wouldn't go that far, but still...yay! I'm not the only one who didn't like the Tomb Raider reboot!

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    11 years, 7 months ago

    I kind of want to get Shin Megami Tensei IV for the story and style but I just can not see the appeal of the gameplay, it looks so bland to me.

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Deadly Premonition on PC? Sigh I guess shitty games have a habit of spreading to multiple platforms.

    Always online games is something im okay with as long as its a multiplayer only or mmo type game I definitely don't want it in a single player or multiplayer with added single player game.

    Surprising to hear about Tomb Raider I thought it did not meent Square Enix's financial expectations so I was expecting it to be cut but hopefully there will be a sequel in the near future.

    More Borderlands 2 eh? Care factor = 0