
og:image: league of legends

No, I'm not pulling your leg.

"So the United States government recognizes League of Legends pro players as professional athletes and award visas to essentially work in the United States under that title," Rick Allen, Riot Games eSports Manager, said. The decision comes after Riot Games and the U.S. government played legal ping pong until the U.S. government allowed it.

This amounts to Riot Games or professional American League of Legends gaming teams to grab an international player, legally bring them into the United States, and can remain here on a work visa.

Normally I scoff a little at the idea of 'professional gamers'. However, Riot Games is hosting the League of Legends 3 World Championship to be held on October 4th, in Los Angeles' Staples Center. They are by no means kidding around.

Last year held 7,000 on-site spectators and 8.2 million on livestreams.

Qualifying rounds this year bring 14 international teams with a winning pool of 2 million dollars.

The world championship pool for this 'season' is estimated at 8 million dollars or more, with the final team winning 1 million.

Anybody feel up for a game of League of Legends?


  • Agropain Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Don't understand why majority of the 4PP community, included all the broadcasters, hate League of Legends. None of you have even tried playing it lol.

  • Frank Hartnett Avatar
    Frank Hartnett
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Whether you like LoL or not, you have to admit this is a big step forward for gaming becoming more widely accepted and not just "that thing teenagers like to play that may or may not cause them to become psychopaths".

  • Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Problem is not games, it's awful MOBA community.

  • Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    That's the problem itself with moba games. Yes, it's important to have fun in a game, but matches can last up to 40 minutes or longer. So your fun may be just 40 minutes of misery for the other 4 people on your team. So that's probably why the community is so uptight over it. Never really played them though because it has such a bad rep with new players.

  • Martin Wong Avatar
    Martin Wong
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Can't stand LoL... All my mates play it and all I can hear during a game is them arguing over how badly one of them is playing. They all make excuses for doing poorly and I don't think have ever got along during a game. The community is stupidly unforgiving against new players too, I tried to play a game and was just harassed by the supposedly "MLG Pr0s". It's all just a bad experience IMO.

    Oh, and I HATE the gaming chatter too...