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The above trailer is a look into the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V and was released by Rockstar Games today. More information about Michael, Franklin and Trevor is revealed as they set up heists and jobs in the "satirical re-imagining of Southern Caliofrnia."
The trailer looks pretty excellent and I'm especially interested in the character customization and how it will compare the other 2013 open-world contender Saints Row IV. The ability to play missions in different ways ups the replay value and perhaps makes completing missions actually appealing in this franchise instead of unnerving which has been my experience thus far. Of course, you gotta love how the only women we see are a trophy wife complaining about yoga and an overweight drunk, but that being said nobody comes to GTA to see a visual masterpiece of gender representation.
Will you be picking up Grand Theft Auto V this summer?
11 years, 8 months ago
I just want it inside me at this point. :D
Thanks for the trailer.
Most definitely WILL be picking this up later this Summer.
11 years, 8 months ago
Good to see they're keeping with the style of their RDR and LA Noire trailers. This is definitely looking to be contender for game of the year already with all the stuff they're adding in. I mean, investing in stocks and buying properties on the internet? Wow. That little snippet of multiplayer they showed at the end was jaw dropping as well. Looked like they had at least 20 people playing. It was a great watch, and I applaud R*'s marketing team for doing such a great job with their trailers.
11 years, 8 months ago
WOW. From what I've seen in the trailer, it seems shooting and driving mechanics are better now. I also like how the missions are handled now with open options. Another thing I liked was the extracurricular activities the player can get into. Also, I was blown away when the trailer showed the transition when switching characters. I expected a loading screen but I was blown away by how they did it instead. I cannot wait to play this game, albeit the 8 GB install lol.
11 years, 8 months ago
Jets in the multiplayer is probably the best thing EVER. September cant get here soon enough!
11 years, 8 months ago
I'm really impressed with this trailer. It is definitely an interesting approach that they are taking with gameplay
I'm sure that Brad will appreciate that there is underwater diving in this one.
11 years, 8 months ago
Looks amazing, can't wait!
11 years, 8 months ago
Looks completely amazing with improvments to the mechanics from the previous iterations but I'm concerned how good this game will run on current gen consoles considering how "good" gta 4 ran on consoles.
11 years, 8 months ago
looks like it's suggesting that the mission structure wont just be driving to dots on the map and shooting dudes
11 years, 8 months ago
Most of the characters we've seen so far-including the protagonists- are repugnant human beings and the characters you mention are no different. If only the women in this game were exempt from negative traits it would only take it further away from being a "visual masterpiece of gender representation".
11 years, 8 months ago
Oh look, a Soha article. Maybe this time she won't bring up gend- oh. Never mind.
11 years, 8 months ago
It looks nice, but it only took a few annoying things to ruin GTA4 for me.
I liked how in Saints Row 3, you can see pedestrians call the cops on you, but it never actually summons police, because Volition probably knew that would be annoying and not fun.
11 years, 8 months ago
I must say....Im Highly interested.
11 years, 8 months ago
"...the only women we see are a trophy wife complaining about yoga and an overweight drunk."
The best part of the entire trailer: "somewhere stuck between joyful and peachy." I genuinely laughed out loud at that one. I want to see more of HER.
11 years, 8 months ago
Wow, this is beyond my expectations! Amazing trailer, very informative and candy for the eyes.
11 years, 8 months ago
Looks amazing! Now if only they could tell me it's coming to PC