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Finally making benchmarks in games more than something just to show-off, Sony has launched a new feature called Greatness Awaits. It's an online auction site that's currently holding bids for items shown in their.. mildly awkward but well-meant Greatness Awaits trailer.
A following video shows the items biddable in greater detail.
Playstation Network users are able to bid on memorabilia from the above video using Gold trophies, only Gold trophies, earned from Playstation 3 video games. (Note: Gold trophies are not the highest possible trophy attainable for a game. Multiple Gold trophies can be won in any PS3 game.) Your Gold trophies will still remain in your profile, even after the auctions have finished. It's a nice no-lose way of bidding.
Items currently listed are:
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn Dagger; Dragonborn Shield, Dragonborn Sword, Dragonborn Stalhrim Mace
- Diablo III - Witch Doctor Mojo; Cursed Skull, Witch Doctor Garb
- Infamous: Second Son - Delsin Rowe Outfit
- Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Edward Kenway Cutlass, Captain Kenway Outfit
- Killzone: Shadow Fall: Helghast Sniper Outfit
- Two pieces of concept art from the Greatness Awaits trailer
A reminder that these aren't in-game items to show-off. They're actual "put this on your fleshy body" items to have in real life. So you can show them off at conventions or on the internet. Still, you're going to need a high amount of Gold trophies to stand a chance in the bidding.
As of this writing, a Black Hand Outfit from Killzone: Shadow Fall and an Infected Clicker Costume have already been won. The Black Hand outfit sold for 1050 gold trophies, the Infected Clicker Costume upwards of 700.
Though the last auction will take place on July 30th, 3pm CST, hopefully Sony will continue this kind of auctioning. It's a smart business move to have players continue to play Playstation 3 games to earn more Gold trophies. Sadly, no concrete word about future auctions.
For those of you with the trophy dedication, try your luck at
(Note: The Greatness Awaits contest is only applicable to American citizens, the offer is only open to United States PSN members.)
11 years, 7 months ago
There's rumblings that the top bidders are cheating, getting thousands of trophies within just a few days.
11 years, 7 months ago
Have to admit this is a good idea but I don't think it'll change my views of not giving a rats ass about trophies, cheevos or anything else of the sort.
11 years, 7 months ago
The winners so far are cheaters, so there's no point in trying to bid for anything.
11 years, 7 months ago
Damn, I though there'd be more to it than this. I prefer bidding over psn games or whatnot so I at least have a chance. As for the costumes, it'd probably be easier and quicker to just make em by hand.
11 years, 7 months ago
I'm not sure I even have 1000 trophies, let alone 1000 gold ones. I might as well be looking at auctions for Ferraris.