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Saints Row The Third had its detractors for its rampant zaniness, but even among those who enjoyed it- including myself- the game's greatest crime was the early-game, abrupt, off-screen death of the only Saints Row character as ridiculous as the Boss: Johnny Gat. It felt wrong, and robbed the game of a character who would have been tons of fun in such an over-the-top adventure. Gat's reappearance in Saints Row IV, then, is certainly worthy of its own trailer.
As part of the Saints Row IV adventure takes place in cyberspace, it does follow what little logic the series has for Gat to return; the presence of Gat with superpowers is actually explained, as well. (This is, for me, about on the same level of entertaining as the Boss with superpowers).
So, longtime Saints Row fans, rejoice: Gat is indeed back, and just in time for the series' most ridiculous outing. Bonus points for the reference to Hawaii Five-0, the series in which Johnny's actor is currently starring.
Saints Row IV releases for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC on August 20th in the US and August 23rd in Europe.
11 years, 6 months ago
W00t more gat is always a plus for me.
11 years, 6 months ago
I personally dont think that this game is going to do very well at all. It's going to be a 60$ DLC pack, thats all. Nothing more nothing less. Loved the first two games but the third one was kind of a bummer.
11 years, 6 months ago
The first two games were a comedic take on the Grand Theft Auto series, and they were brilliant for all the reasons no one ever takes into account.
I had a little comparison I liked to use for this situation: Grand Theft Auto was to sport wrestling, as Saint's Row was to professional wrestling. One is filled with intense, serious ups-and-downs, while the other is entirely focused on drama and (ultimately) entertainment. Doesn't take much to figure out which is which.
Aiming for a more silly adventure was a change I was willing to accept, so long as Saint's Row maintained the dramatic nature that I was so smitten with. However, the entire series was lost for me when Johnny Gat died. The impression I took away from the death of this personified badass was that the series was going in a completely different direction. And it sure has. This trailer shows nothing about the character that I enjoyed. His likeness may be there, but his glorious presence, I doubt, will ever return.