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In Las Vegas, on the main stage at this year's Evolution fighting game tournament, Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono announced the newest addition to the Street Fighter series: Ultra Street Fighter IV.
It's not Street Fighter V, sure, but with the addition of five new characters, new stages, and additional character balancing "based on fan feedback" -one day, one day, Blanka's dreams may come true and he might be tournament legal- this is potentially a worthy purchase for people who have yet to hop on the Street Fighter IV train and are interested. At $40, containing a reported additional $40 of DLC, it isn't too bad an investment. For those who already own Street Fighter IV, the added content will also be available in one DLC package for $15.
New fighters added include Hugo, Poison, Elena, and Rolento, with a secret fifth character to be announced soon. According to Capcom, the fifth character is new to the Street Fighter franchise but not necessarily new to Capcom.
Ultra Street Fighter IV and its accompanying DLC bundle will be released early 2014. Like Street Fighter IV and its expansions, it will be available for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC.
11 years, 6 months ago
Hope I don't come off as negative but no Street Fighter V? Felt it would have been perfect time to announce it after all the problems they had with SxT.
11 years, 6 months ago
NO third strike characters like Q, Urien, or Necro *Sigh*
11 years, 6 months ago
Also V is to soon i'll glady wait another 8-9 years or so. Yoshi ono said he wanted to make street fighter easier (it's easy enough now) in the future. *Sigh*