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It's a sad time for the game industry this week following the tragic passing Ryan Davis, the beloved host of the Giant Bombcast and all around great human being. We kick the show off with a shot and pour one out for our fallen traveller. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and colleagues.
With that said, the show must go on! We revisit a few games this week in the first segment such as Guacamelee, Remember Me, and State of Decay. Stick around for the second segment to hear our in-depth breakdown of the new Grand Theft Auto V trailer. Peace everyone.
Podcast 323 - [download]
The Passing of Ryan Davis (1979 - 2013)
Grand Theft Auto V Trailer Breakdown
Rogue Legacy
Remember Me
Don't Starve
State of Decay
and more!
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Giant Bomb has Suffered a Profound Loss
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Mike performs his new song "The Last of Us"
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11 years, 8 months ago
Good Podcast, Surprised to hear Nick's trouble with Remember Me considering using combos during combat was supposed to be one of the major aspects of the game (at least that's what I think).
Oh and on a more sad note RIP in Ryan Davis you will be missed.
11 years, 8 months ago
r.i.p was it a heart attack ?
11 years, 8 months ago
Good podcast as always. You guys had me rolling on the floor every time you mentioned the new IP-ness.
RIP Ryan Davis.
11 years, 8 months ago
Trevor was the one scuba diving, not Micheal. Rockstar North stated in an interview that Micheal can play Trevor at tennis. Any character can play any mini game, however some side missions will be character specific e.g. Bounty hunting as Trevor.