
I'll just come out with it: I don't rightly understand Microsoft. On the eve of their E3 press conference, Microsoft has just launched dewanddoritos.com, a site declaring that "This Fall, Mountain Dew and Doritos are teaming up with Xbox to create an unprecedented experience." I'm not fully aware of what they mean by "teaming up," (emphasis theirs) or how that equates to much of an "unprecedented experience" because Doritos + gaming classically add up to dirtied controllers, but they seem excited enough about it to push this directly before the massive event at which Microsoft is trying to energize core gamers.

I've had a hard time believing that Microsoft really does mean to go after the core, as they classically have gone for a rather scattershot performance directed at basically everyone but hardcore gamers. This isn't a doomsday sign or anything, but I feel it's worth mentioning because it's such a dudebro move that it makes me awfully wonder if you and I are really the people that Microsoft is finally focusing on.

If you're a big fan of Mountain Dew, Doritos, and how they work together with your Xbox One, feel free to head over to their site and sign up for updates, whatever those could be. I, for one, will remain skeptical... and this increases that skepticism just a little bit.


  • Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    .... Did Microsoft take over Soda Drinker Pro?

  • theottomatic91 Avatar
    11 years, 7 months ago

    Microsoft seems intent on focusing on the dude bro call a dooty gamer, honestly that's a negative for me but time will tell if this is a good move or not.